
Hello all, i got my avc-r fitted at long last but whatever boost andduty setting i put in the bloody thing still goes way over that. Got it set at .4bar and 30% duty at the mo and it still hit 1.6 bar on the motorway and when it goes over 1 bar it pops like a bitch :cry: i just dont know where i'm going wrong. Any help would be very gratefuly recieved. Need to get it set up on an RR but need to get the boost stable first methinks.


set the boost for 0.85bar for now and the duty is more like 60% - when you set it up did you have the arrow pointing up?

check the pipes havnt blown off the actuator/plenium.


yeah the arrows definately pointing up. I'll just go and check all pipes are still on. pretty sure they are. Does it automatically start learning mode coz i aint started it if you need to.


im not sure memski set mine up for me. i just know he set the boost to 0.85 and the duty to 60% then it started to learn- the duty percentage then turned to ***.


bloody hell it still going past 1 bar. i set it how you said and i keep lowering the duty every time i go out, now it's at 20% and still going to1.2 bar!!! AAAARRRGGGGGHHHHH it's getting really annoying now :cry: just cant boot it any more :cry: :cry: :cry:


New Member
you should pm memski ,he gave me a lot of help when i did mine, rsnissan as well, but dont know how much he gets on here anymore.
You dont have to tell it to learn, it just does it.
It will spike(or not reach full boost) when you first set it, but, you should see that the boost comes down as you are driving.
did you remove the factory boost solenoid?


I've driven it for about 200 miles since fitting on saturday and nothings happened. It's very very annoying. Yeah i did remove the factory solenoid. May go back to using it if i cant get this bastard thing sorted.


New Member
Have a look at all the menu's, make sure you havent told it to increase duty for a certain rev range, or gear.
Failing that, check for air leaks(i know you've done it already :wink: )
What happens if you turn the setting to off?
The avcr should read about 5-600 on full boost(i think), if it doesnt then the actuator is either uprated(unlikely), or you do have a leak/incorrect plumbing :wink:
Does any1 know what you should set the sensor select to, is it relative2,or absolute2, cos i was just having a look at mine, and managed to change it, and cant remember what it should be! :oops: :?


How have you plumbed it back? Is the pressure sensor plumbed in properly (and vertical?) Is the actuator connected properly and are the correct pipes on the avcr solonoid hooked up the right way round? Take a pic of the relevent parts in your engine bay if you have to and post them here so we can check them out.

The self learning won't occur until you really give it some, then your duty will read ***. Also you have to enable self learning.


Iirc the pressure sensor value is Relative 1 (the first option).


New Member
:D Now i know someone is going to correct me on this :lol: Also i havent fitted mine yet,let alone used or set one up before :shock: But reading the instructions,page21,it says to correct boost spiking(which it seems you have got)then alter the Start Duty(page30),the higher the value,the higher the spiking,therefore the lower the value,the lower the spiking :!: Also if the START DUTY is set to 0% then selfl earning mode will automatically start :!:


Oh yeah i forgot about the bloody start duty :oops: i'll have a fiddle with that, if things still dont improve i'll post up a couple of pics but i'm pretty sure it's all plumbed up correctly :?


New Member
lol, ive only had mine about 18 months, what the hell is start duty! :?
Ive seen it in the menu's, but just left it set at 0.
What do you mean by telling it to learn Mem?, do you mean leve it at 0 as shaun says , or the gear judge thing?
Its been ages since ive done mine, and ive lost my manual! :cry:


Right if i remember correctly the F/b speed is the learning function (feedback) - usually all 5 gears are set to 3, the lower this is the more likely you are to get boost spike, sometimes tuners set 1st and 2nd gears higher to prevent spiking due to shorter gearing...

e.g mine was set 7 5 3 3 3, and never made more than 1.2bar in 1st even though my overall boost was set to 1.4bar

You can however switch off this function leaving a X instead of a number, will go and check my avcr in a bit just to be sure.


right start duty is now set to -35% and it still spiking like a ho :!: Now gonna give this fb idea a go and see if that sorts anything out. For the life of me i can get the self learn mode. If i read correctly it starts if the throttel is at 85% and theres a constant boost level :?: i rarely have the throttle at 85% :( I think i'm gonna have to take it to power engineering or somewhere to have it set up properly on the rr


New Member
:D I know it might sound a bit drastic,but have you thought about writing your settings down and then restoring it to the factory default settings and starting again :?: As i said its a bit drastic,but you might then find something you have missed or a possible mistake :wink: Also,have you done a sensor check :?:

Just trying to be as much help as i can :wink:


Yeah i've done a sensor check and everythings o.k. Yeah i'll prob end uo re-setting back to factory as the settings have been moved all over the place. I got it booked into powerstation on the 29th of this month, just need to stabilise boost til then. GRRR :twisted:


New Member
im having the same delema with mine.will a SAFC from apexi cause the erratic boost on the AVCR?


I got my prob sorted. My dad had done the plumbing while i was doing the electrics. When i double checked it he had put a couple of lines the wrong way round