
ive been posting about this prob since day 1.its a knocking coming from the drivers side on little lock. ive had every thing changed on the car that people have sugested needed changing. ive taken my car to hi-teq for a inspection and they have checked all the things like cv joints ball joint ect...... they said that its something internal ie diff or transfer box. i then took my car back to were i bought it from and they got ther technican who is 1 of the leadin competitors in the moddin market to check it out. they were blaging me that its got a locking diff on the front. they did all these tests with the car jacked up.they told me most diffs on cars knock when you set off from stopped. they basically said ive got a mod on the car which is worth well over a grand. the question i wont to no is should this diff be knocking like this its worrying me big time cos if this goes after my warrenty runs out and it goes im in the shat. feel free to ask me any questions on the matter to help


i didnt think they knocked mate i thought they wined like a bitch does it wine wen u drive????


no it doesnt wine, icould cope with a wine its just a knock from take off when turning right. if any 1 has got a front diff could you give me your views :x


New Member
Hi mate go over to Yahoo groups gtir forum and ask on there they are well up on stuff too, worth a try


I don't know of any 'uprated' diffs that knock, standard ones certainly don't. I think this company is fobbing you off with a bit of bullshit. Do you have any proof it has been investigated? If you do you can still claim on the warranty as the fault started before the warranty expired.


cheers frank ive tried to log on this yahoo but its not letting me :x


i have no proof that it has been investigated cos it would need stripping down to find out. the guys at hi-teq did an inspection on the knocking thinking would be something minor, but they asked me how far i wanted go with it. full credit to the guys at hi-teq they are a top set of lads.but the other modding shop insisted that its normal and i told them i didnt believe them.the thing is they guys i was dealing with whent next door to the main modding guy for a sly word. then he gets this cusco diff out and starts blagging my head with all this bull shat HELP NEEDED TO SORT THESE RIP OFF MERCHANTS :x


This company is definatly trying to fob you off, there's no way the diff, any diff should knock at all. Does it knock in time with the wheel spinning, ie 1 knock per revolution of the wheel? Is it a loud heavy knock or a clicky knock? Does the car judder? The two most likely things are the cv joints or the planet gears are damaged inside the diff. It's a bit fidely and messy but you can check the cv's by pulling the cv boots back clean off some of the grease and inspect the joints for any chips, also hold the drivshaft and try to rotate the wheel back and forth to see if there's any wear in the joints, dont forget to regrease them and secure the boots with a good cablt tie afterwards.

Fast Guy

Staff member
I got some knocking when I went for a play in the snow when I was braking. I put that down to some wheels being locked and some turning and the diff not being happy about it. :?


Active Member
this type situ is only going to be resolved one the geezer you bought off agree to strip and replace the diff.or two get some garage like hiteq to do it with complete documented evidence i.e photo what was wrong/broken etc the take the guy you bought from and show him the evidence and get him to cough up for the bill.



i have no proof that it has been investigated cos it would need stripping down to find out.
Well actually you do have proof, providing Hiteq are happy to say they've inspected the car for a knocking front diff. Basically you've already had the car looked at for a fault, that fault will still stand on your warranty if it does turn out to be a problem (especially as you are being fobbed off).


Still waiting on some shims!
Fast Guy said:
I got some knocking when I went for a play in the snow when I was braking. I put that down to some wheels being locked and some turning and the diff not being happy about it. :?

Thats just the ABS working...



the guys a hi-teq have fully stripped the problem area down, drve shafts out, checked sus and all the other likely problems. they think its something internal. the knock progresses on acceleration. the knocking is pretty loud and sometimes you can feel a judder

Fast Guy

Staff member
RishiGTiR said:
Fast Guy said:
I got some knocking when I went for a play in the snow when I was braking. I put that down to some wheels being locked and some turning and the diff not being happy about it. :?

Thats just the ABS working...


I know panto season's finished but..........Oh no it isn't!!!!! :D

I don't have ABS :wink:


come on peeps there must be some more people on hear who can give me some advice


I've spoken to a couple of people I know who definitely know their stuff and neither of them have heard of an uprated diff that knocks in normal operation. The only uprated diffs you can buy for the R are the Nismo one and the one Ivan Tomic uses (unless someone knows otherwise). Neither knock in operation as far as I know (well I know the Nismo one doesn't).