Please Help- Fitted new turbo, now engines running rough


New Member
Hi all,

A few weeks back i killed my turbo, so i got a replacement - T28 360 Thrust (second hand).
I spent today fitting this turbo and once every thing was back on i refilled the system with coolant as i had the rad off to change the turbo. I left the car running for abit - the fans kicked in a couple of times, then the engine cut out. It ran out of fuel, so i walked to get some and put it in the car. I then decided to take the car for a crive and this is when the problem started....:cry:

Decided to top the car up with petrol so started to drive down the road to the petrol station. I put my foot down and the car just didn't want to go! The engine sounds really grotty (abit like a v8 and it make this noise constantly even when driving at 1500rpm. It does pick up boost but it doesn't pull at all well. On tick over it sounds ok although it ticks over lower than before, now it about 900-950 before it was 1000-1100.

I'm really confused about this, all i've done is changed the turbo, so i can't figure this one out :doh: .

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
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have you checked all your boost pipes for possible leaks?

yoy have definately put petrol in havent you, and not diesel?

if it was that low you may have picked up some crap from the bottom of the tank, try changing the fuel filter.


New Member
Thanks for the response Pulsarboby.
Yep, checked all my boost pipes, but gonna check them again tonight.

That was my first thought about the petrol, thought i may have been a complete idiot and put in the wrong fuel in my haste, but looked on the receipt and it says V-power.

Yep it completely ran out of fuel. Ok i'll take a look at the fuel filter too.


Active Member
As Bob said, check your filter. I bet it's full of crap and blocked up.

You can take it off and blow through the end that connects to the fuel rail, so you're blowing the opposite way to which the fuel would flow normally. If it's hard work, it needs replacing !


New Member
I drove the car into work this morning and noticed that when i started the car up it took a few seconds to pick up the revs on idle. Also the car sounds really 'gurgley' from the exhaust. However after a couple of minutes into my drive suddenly the car went back to normal, drove and sounded fine, picked up boost well, etc. But this only lasted about 10 seconds before going back to normal.

Fast Guy

Staff member
If the fuel filter doesn't sort it, then check your boost hoses again. You may have a leak somewhere.


New Member
Fast Guy said:
If the fuel filter doesn't sort it, then check your boost hoses again. You may have a leak somewhere.
Ok but if it is a boost leak, would it be making this noise all the time or only when it comes on boost?


New Member
No its nothing like that, when i'm driving i can hear it from the exhaust and rather than the sound from the exhaust being 1 continuous note getting louder, there is a very short intermittent break through the exhaust note which continues through the entire rev range. The exhaust note gets louder as the car picks up revs (but seems louder than normal) and the intermittent break between the exhaust note gets shorter. Sorry if this don't make sense but it really hard to explain. It almost as if the engine is choking.
When you put your foot down, its has a massive lack of power.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Have you done a fault code check?

Is it running rich as that can make the car sound different. Don't know if I'd describe it as gurgly or not tho.

I'd be tempted to change the fuel filter full stop if it isn't quite new as I ran out of fuel in another EFI car and it ran like crap for quite a while.

Boost/vacuum leaks can cause the car to act wierd and run rough.

rx jamie

New Member
Granite-GTiR said:
No its nothing like that, when i'm driving i can hear it from the exhaust and rather than the sound from the exhaust being 1 continuous note getting louder, there is a very short intermittent break through the exhaust note which continues through the entire rev range. The exhaust note gets louder as the car picks up revs (but seems louder than normal) and the intermittent break between the exhaust note gets shorter. Sorry if this don't make sense but it really hard to explain. It almost as if the engine is choking.
When you put your foot down, its has a massive lack of power.
thats exactly whats happening to mine after i fitted my front mount yesterday. its a missfire. still boosts ...ok..ish but holds back and sounds like its firing in the exhaust rather than the engine, pop , farts then runs ok for a few seconds then wont idle properly. it did it to me before and it turned out the top threaded lugs on the spark plugs were loose.
no such look today though. its died now and wont start at all now.
my turbo is belching oil from the compressor side of the turbo though so im hoping that will solve it.
i dont think it is your fuel filter as mine had a full tank before i started installing the fmic and was running fine until i got my hands on it lol
worth a try though.
let me know what you find mate im lost and well pissed too.

rx jamie

New Member
cant remember which thread its on but someone said use wd40 on your electrical connections and earths ? i did this today, i must say its an absolute top tip. mine fired up straight away without a cough.


New Member
Problem solved, the fuel filter was blocked, so replaced it with a new filter and the cars back to normal.
Thanks for all the advice.