Piping problems




I have recently done and engine conversion into an almera.

I need help with a couple of pipes we have no home for and a (possibly connected) idle problem.

Now firstly when it started up the revs were at 2k rpm, adjusting the idle screw right in has hardly made any difference.

When accerating it goes okay until it reaches about 2500rpm then it bogges down and the bov starts making a spitting noise.

We also have 2 pipes we don't know what to do with. They are shown below..

This one we have blocked off at the moment.

This one if you block it off the idle goes down to a normal level but when you start the car it doesn't fire up cleanly, it sort of splutters when starting with it blocked then settles to a normal idle. With it unblocked it idles at 2k rpm.

Any help much appreciated

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
the top pic goes to the actuator via your chosen boost controller, its got a restrictor in it which you can feel. think you need to keep it if using oe boost control. iv got a blitz dsbc and took it off :wink:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Are you able to do the fault code check, as it sounds like you maybe running in safe mode.


Thanks for your help, ill give it ago and see waht happens.
