

Active Member
does it really matter wot the internal diamnesion of a hose its?
ive just ordered some boost hose to re[place all the old crappy n knacked ones................it just arrived and it slighty bigger i.e its 5mm instead of 3mm like it should be..cos its a special order they wont take it back at the shop :shock: will it make a difference if i use it :D as long as the ends are clamped properly
cheers jimmy :D


New Member
It only means that there will be a fractionally larger volume of air to pressurise / depressurise, but I doubt you will notice any difference.

I don't think there are any other issues other than getting it to fit :?


New Member
does it really matter wot the internal diamnesion of a hose its?
ive just ordered some boost hose to re[place all the old crappy n knacked ones................it just arrived and it slighty bigger i.e its 5mm instead of 3mm like it should be..cos its a special order they wont take it back at the shop :shock: will it make a difference if i use it :D as long as the ends are clamped properly
cheers jimmy :D
if it fits and you get a tight seal there is no difference.


Active Member
OZ-'R'acing said:
It only means that there will be a fractionally larger volume of air to pressurise / depressurise, but I doubt you will notice any difference.

I don't think there are any other issues other than getting it to fit :?
it will fit trust me i just need to buy smaller jubilee clips for the job
cheers jimmy :D


Active Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
it will fit trust me i just need to buy smaller jubilee clips for the job
cheers jimmy :D
:? why? the pipe it fits on is still the same size.
sorry i meant milicor clips(bad spelling) if they are too big they wont hold the hose very well :shock:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
just buy good quality stainless jubilee clips.

if not phone leigh baxter ltd on 01702 460970 they do mikalors much cheaper than demon tweeks :wink: