
What causes pinking???...............and what are the solutions??

my 'R' is pinking real badd for a couple months now and i've been told that if it continues i could cause serious damage to my engine............i need some advice kinda urgent........thanks!

Fast Guy

Staff member
Pinking is the word for the nosie made by det. If it's light you can get away with it for abit, but you don't realy want to risk it as it could cost you your pistons :(

It can be caused by lots of things, too much ignition advance, to high a compression ratio or too much boost, high inlet temps, low octane fuel, running lean to name a few.


Sounds like breaking glass ( the tinkling noise, not the smashing part )


it's like the sound a chain makes on the spocket of a bicycle

.........i'm on stock boost..........and not driving hard at all...........i'm not detonating though............still confused.....

one Gti-R

beast14 said:
it's like the sound a chain makes on the spocket of a bicycle

.........i'm on stock boost..........and not driving hard at all...........i'm not detonating though............still confused.....
another simple soulution

from your description are you sure your not just hearing the metal timing chain :?:
I got bad pinking once on my old R. Silly cause, easy solution.

When I swapped the position of my battery and induction, the intake hose was cut down. The guy that welded the battery tray in place also cut the hose. What I didn't realise is that he'd left a hole in the hose, not far from where the MAF joined it. This of course meant that there was air getting in that the MAF hadn't metered and she was running lean as hell - instant pinking under boost.

Just something to check - Air in the system not measured by the MAF...


does anyone think cleaning the injectors, changing the fuel filter and cleaning/changing the sack filter attached to the intank fuel pump will help???


Active Member
Nome of those will do it any harm,so you may as well(although the I wouldn't bother with the sack filter myself).

What fueldo you use?Have you tried adding octane booster?What's your timing set at?


tried octane boost but same problem...............

toluene works ok though but at the moment very difficult to put my hands on some.........

what's the timing supposed to be set at????.........

Fast Guy

Staff member
It's about 20deg btdc here, but in your hot climate you might need to retard it abit. Basically set it at what ever you can get away with, without pinking. So if you get any pinking knock a couple of degrees of the timing and try again.