Pavement question



OK my house mate had bought one of the most impractical cars ever and we now have a problem. Our driveway can cope with 2 cars, but the pavement only dips down for one half as that was all that was required when the pavement was originally built. His new car is very low!

Does anyone have a rough idea how much councils charge to extend the slope along the roadside so two cars can drive up onto the driveway without having to mount a raised pavement?

I would ring the council and ask, but hey it's a weekend as we cannot expect an organisation as large as the council to be open on a saturday :roll:


Well-Known Member
Probably sh1tloads knowing councils :?

Just wait til Paddy the pikey is in the area doing driveways and slip him £50 :wink: Job done :lol: :lol: :lol:


I got a quote for this recently.......about 1500 of your fine pounds :shock: :shock:

apparently it takes about 5 people 2 days to do :roll: :roll:


New Member
I paid £450 about 2 years ago,then 3 months ago they dropped everyone elses for free :evil: :evil: with money from Europe :evil: :evil:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Stoned said:
Does anyone have a rough idea how much councils charge to extend the slope along the roadside so two cars can drive up onto the driveway without having to mount a raised pavement?
Round here they're putting dropped kerbing in free for everyone in council houses, even if the don't have a car :wink: I think it's about £1250 ish at the moment.