passenger side Inner wing !!


Active Member
I got myself a Fmic.. i have been told by the ex-owner that the passenger side Inner wing will need to be cut to allow the intercooler pipe to run into the frond wheel arch... Im going to do the work.. as i know the job will be done 100%.. So what did you lads use to do cut the hole ??
Regards and thanks in advance :thumbsup:


New Member
If it's a hybrid type one then both inner wings need cutting for the pipework.

It's a shit job, as you cant get any tools in there to cut neatly. I marked mine out, then with a small drill cut holes all round the hole before trying the file the metal to give a decent finish. It's flimsy metal though, so doesn't really file very well.

A man with your standards won't like the job! It's best to finish it off by painting the exposed metal and running some kind of rubber edging round the holes to protect the pipework from rubbing on the sharp metal.


i find the easiest and best way to do it is with a pair of snips.
make some cuts where pipe will come through, then get a couple of hammers and bend the metal back underneath, using other hammer as a dolly! you then thicken the metal around the hole so its not so flimsy.
do make sure the hole is bigger than the pipe though! if you make it tight it will cause you probs with vibration and possible blowing off of silicone boost pipes, (needs to be free moving in hole)
as gtir23 said above you can then paint the exposed metal to avoid corrosion probs.


agree with bob had two r's now so i have done the job twice snips and a hammer dont worry bout making the hole to big, as the bigger the hole the more room for pipe to move around.


Active Member
I only need to cut the one side so helps...
I was also thinking about some type of alloy hole trim to make it all nice...