Passenger seat + Roof lining + More


New Member
On the scrounge...

Pax seat
Roof Lining
Gear lever surround and gator (bob)?

Ideally you'll be in Yorkshire or the surrounding area so i can collect them as posting either will be a nightmare. I don't mind removing the parts myself, and would prefer to do so.

As i rather kindly gave quite alot of stuff away to people that visited me when i was building the car, anyone that can return that favour would be greatly appreciated. If not i understand so give me an idea of what you'd want for them. There might be other bits i need too when i visit.



PS. Would like to do this over the Christmas break :)


Active Member
Tim, I've got a passenger seat, the gear surround and leather gator.
Also all door cards, electric window mechanisms and electric windmirrors and switches if needed

Not after much at all for them. Pm me if intetested mate.
