frp said:
Thanks for the replys lads.
So what from experience would anyone consider the power/torque range for the quaife and ppg?
Eg.Quaife upto 400/400
PPG from 350/300 to700/650
(i believe their capabilities are measured in torque ?)
and how do they compare price wise?
This might help point people in the right direction
IIRC,quaife say their gearset is good for 350lb/ft but i've been told from various people that they tend to be very conservative with the estimates for obvious reasons.
If you get the quaife gearset shot peened or cryo treated before assembly,this will also give it a bit more torque capacity.
My gearset was shot peened and with 400lb/ft,all that went was the transfer box
All in,my gearbox cost 3k but i think Hiteq are the cheapest for building a quaife gearset now,but,shop around ;-)