Over heating problems



I may aswell moderate this section .. i'm in it bloody enough! :oops:

Right .. My car keeps over heating .. its top mounted .. at first i thought it was the thermostat .. so i have just put a new one in .. and all thats done is given me better heaters ,.. but it still runs hot .. the problem started right after i had the new engine put in .. so i took the thermostat out cause the engine was constantly running in between the 2 lines at the end of the temprature gauge .. this solved the problem on open roads.. but when i come to getting stuck in the rush hour .. it just shot up to the "I'm going to blow your engine up" line .. so i had to keep switchin off .. annoyin ..

But I've noticed my fans aren't kicking in now .. what'd cause this? .. I've checked the fans fuses .. and they are fine .. all the wires are in tact .. is their a sensor that triggers them? .,. if so where about is it? ..

cheers again for the help .. I'm getting their.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Maybe you have an airlock in the system?
Try turning your aircon (if you have it) on and see if your fans come on.


Sound obvious but have you checked the water level in the rad?
Ignore what the bottle says as mine was at the MAX line on the bottle but it was over heating, so I took the thermostat out and it was still over heating, I then checked the water level in the rad and it was really low... :shock: For some reason the bottle doesn't seem to flow into the rad so the MAX/MIN line are a waste of time.


remebered to let the air out of the cooling system of your engine after you refilled it?
reffer to workshop manual og faq`s .
theirs an air release bolt opening there somewhere.


First you need to drain it properly. Use the pugs at the bottom of the rad. This will get all the old coolant out ready to be replaced with fresh stuff. To bleed it, first put your anti freeze in then your water. To locate the bleeding screw, look for the thermostat housing, on the front nearside of the block. There is a screw on there that looks out of place. Pointing at it will be a gold sticker saying "do not open when engine is hot" or something along those lines. That's the one you need. Just keep an eye on the water level and make sure the fans come on a few times and you'll be fine. Once you are confident the water level isn't dropping any more, lightly rev it a few times from inside the engine bay and watch the water level. Be careful it doesn't bubble over. Keep an eye on it for a few days afterward, just to be sure.

Job done.


cheers men ..

i followed those instructions but still over heats .. :(

I've ordered a fan switch .. fingers crossed this helps.

thanks again.



maybe you have a blocked radiator....or a faulty water pump, or your water pump belt is slipping...


I donr know if it is the same as the gtir, but on my cousins golf, when the fan was reconnected, the switch for the fan was in reverse :? so it was blowing hot air into the radiator instead of away from it. Long shot but might be worth checking :wink:

gtir drew

i have come across something similar b4 but it was on another car.

The main earth wire that came of the battery went strait to the gear box for ground and there was a second wire that went from the gear box connector to a point were several engine earths were. this second wire had broke, this caused the wires to have to earth all the way though the car to the gear box wire so they still worked but it changed the resistance and this caused the gauge to read bout 30-40 higher than what it was.

not sure if this is similar on the R ill have to look but i would check next time it gets hot just to see if the water is boiling or is it a fauls reading???

i might be wrong but hope it helps.


Dunno if you're still having problems but I had exactly the same thing happen in mine a while back and after takin it to a radiator specialist, he measured it up and it was the wrong friggin radiator :shock: :shock:

The 1 on my car was from a 1.4 and had started to get blocked so was basically doin naff all. Put a new 1 on and hey presto, its cool as me :wink:

My fans cut in late though for some reason so if I'm in traffic for ages the needle starts to creep up. My solution at the moment is just to keep an eye on it and put the air con on with the heat up when the needle gets 1/2 way up. This turns the fans on and cools it down almost instantly :D


New Member
im unsure if this will apply to the R's but im sure its a pretty standard thing. it was on my sister peugeot 106. the fan would never kick in then resulting to a fooked up head gasket cos we didnt sort it out in time.

problem was a rad fan switch (i think this is what it was called) it acts as a trigger for the fans once the rad is boiling up and sets it off. was cheap as chips and sorted it out straight away, also can be done very easily by yourself.

hope it is something easy as you dont want to leave it too long causing head gasket to go so if i were u i would chill out using the r until its sorted.


saj 8)


my thermo went on my R years ago. it boiled over twice in about 2 weeks and that was the end of the head gasket.
the thermo solved the prob for a while but the head gasket went about 2 or 3 weeks later. not good fun.

my rad was also found to be very blocked during the rebuild.
we had to clean out my m8's mr2 radiator the other week.
take the rad off the car, stick some rad cleaner in it and leave it over night. block the holes and give it a good shake to make sure the cleaner gets every where and add some water to make sure the while rad if full of the stuff.

after leaving it over night then clean out with a hose and shave it about for ages untill the water comes out clean. you can get rad cleaner from halfords or even the local petrol station.
DO NOT use the rad cleaner on the engine tho. its nasty stuff and i'd defo only use it on the rad than then wash it out a lot.

good luck.



are you sure it not a faulty gauge sensor had this checked all the wiring ie ecu earth trigger to fan relay etc etc turned out the gauge was just reading high and it was not getting hot enogh for the fans to kick in
does the car warm up very fast ????


Have you sorted out the problem yet if you haven't try checking if the head is okay. I don't know about pulsars but when i used to have a hiace it used to always heat up even with alot of water in the tank. The problem i had was the head had cracked.


Still waiting on some shims!
What are your oil temps like...

If your car is overheating then your oil temp will go through the roof... If it stays at the normal temp then its a resonable indication of a faulty sensor or gauge...
