Opinions please


Staff member
Recently I've noticed my car leans about 1"-3/4" on the front drivers side.

In March 2001 I had a set of all 4 standard shocks fitted all round with a set of new Hiteq lower springs and all has been fine. The car is only driven on the road with no track life.

As far as I can see it can only be a defective shock or spring causing this as it seems to be only affecting front drivers side.

So the question is, before I start ripping everything apart to have a look do you think its more likely to be a shock absorber or a spring thats the problem.


Do you have AC still?

Mate who works in NTCE (Nelson Eur) told me that the designers slightly mis-judged the weight of the AC system when designing the engine packaging, and as result fitted a slightly longer o/s/f spring to compensate :shock: :roll: no kidding... my front springs were definitely different lengths when i fitted uprated jobbies:?

My reckonings the damping of the std shock's, not working in combination with the Hiteq springs may be causing the droop :?:


The dampers/struts won't affect the ride hight unless they're stuck, and you'd know about that if it was the cause. It'll most likely be the spring like Ginga said, or perhaps a bent spring platform (unlikely).