Opinions on brake pads.


Active Member

I need to change my front pads in the next few weeks so, I was after some insight into what pad to use. I have OE calipers but, Godspeed 308mm grooved discs. I don't often use the brakes hard but, when I do, I seem to use them very hard.
I've used Greenstuff pads (V4 I think?!) in the past and they were shocking. One minute they would stop the car well, the next, they wouldn't ! I'm currently using Pagid fast road but, these seem to fade quite badly and, seem to cause a warped disc type vibration when used hard ?!
I was planning on using Mintex M1155's as, I have read that they offer the same cold response as the M1144's but, resist fade up to a higher temperature. Has anyone used these before and, could you pass on any comments on their performance ?
Would I be best using the M1144 compound ?




I had pagid disc's and pads on my old pulsar and found them very good indeed, Far better than the mintex I had before so I'm shocked to find your having problems with them.

Maybe its because I had the matching disc's and pads that they worked so well.

I suppose it's a case of trial and error though mate as I'm sure everybody has a brake pad that suits they style of driving, And there probably different from the next mans.



Active Member
The Pagid pads have excellent cold bite and work well for a few hard stops but, they don't seem to be able to take too much abuse. Also, last time I had the pads out, they were cracked in places. I guess I must be really heavy on them, when I do use them in anger ?!

I'll give the Mintex M1155's a try them and report back with my findings.




1155s do indeed work well, though from cold they take a little warming up so take it easy on them when you set off to start with.
Make sure you bed them in properly as well, properly heat-cycling them, etc. then you'll get the best from them when you really need it.
They'll squeal like a piggy though :(


I use the mintex 1144, and find them to be very good. The best pad so far with the 308 disks I use.