ok 2 drive pt 2


New Member
guys i agree from all the advice given that smokey car is unsafe to drive if turbo is on way out etc but im running out of options need to drive it at least 400 miles for storage , far as i can see the turbo is spitting oil in to the exaust is there any way i can patch this up or even run without turbo or any ideas. i cant afford to transport it and im leaving where im living brother in law is goin to store it for me in garge he is on the way and then i get plane so any help much grateful guys or advice:doh:


risky one really! if the impellor breaks up or hits the housing then all the bits can be sucked up through the ic and back into the cylinders which wont do your engine any good at all. even off boost the turbo is still spinning at silly rpm as its driven by exhaust flow.
only way to do this is by fitting the afm directly onto your inlet plenum and bypass the turbo and ic altogether, the car will drive and at least if the turbo does break up its not gonna suck the bits back into the engine.

just to note though that car will run rich if you slap your foot down so just drive it gently and try to avoid harsh accelerating as youll be pumping loads of fuel into the cylinders and have insufficient air to burn the mixture as ecu will still monitor that turbo is running
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New Member
bob cheers for that so if i do that she is a flat 2l all i want is to get her to storage and when have money fix it thanks for help lost without u guys


New Member
Bypassing the turbo sounds like a logical idea to me, i'd go very steady and stop often to check for fire! Where is the oil coming from?

Ohh and take an extuingisher that can handle oil fires.