Oil ran out, motor locked up


New Member
I'm still not sure how the hell the oil ran out, but in a bout of squealing tyres up and down the street for a couple of minutes, it seems the engine has locked up. My mech is in the process of pulling out the motor to try and figure what happened. In the meantime i'm checking to see what you guys experience with this has been. How bad can it be? Where in the uk can i get parts? I guess i will need intake, exhaust gaskets, crankshaft bearings, what else? I'm hoping that it's not more than that. I want to cry!!!
I'm still not sure how the hell the oil ran out
It was probably loosing oil gradually as I doubt very much it would just suddenly loose it. Could have been spotted early if checked often.
Oil is probably the most important part of the engine and if yours has siezed up then your fcuked. Every moving part in the engine is most likely damaged now. It's far cheaper and easier to get a new engine IMO.


i can ship you a stock engine but delivery cost to caribbean will be huge