Oil pump??



Well ive had a nice few months of nothing going wrong with the R but i suppose all good things come to an end! Was out on a drive 2day when i noticed a funny smell, so i pulled over and smoke started coming up through the vents in the bonnet. I opened the bonnet to find everything on the left hand side of the engine covered in oil as well as the bonnet the headlight etc. Im not to sure where its coming from but with the look of the way its all spread out id asume its a rotating part thats leaking. Is the oil pump on that side of the engine or has the R got an internal oil pump?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Is that drivers side? Is it engine oil, not gearbox or power steering fluid?
It might be an idea to try and clean it down abit to see if you can trace it. Failing that, check your oil filter is on tight and not holed. It could be a crankshaft seal. (Not sure on anything else as my only leak is from the tranfer box :( )


check the pipe coming out the left rear of rocker box that go in the pipework above the manifold the pipe offten splits and you'd be surprised how much oil comes out


Yeah its on the drivers side, its definitely engine oil as the oil level is now on min and i only had the oil changed on wed. Could be worth checking the filter as a garage did the oil change for me, normally do it myself but the ramps at work are knackered at the mo. Even if the filter is loose though i cant see the oil getting to the front of the engine and all over my headlight, bonnet etc. Thats why i think its a rotating part and there seems to be a lot of oil around 1 of the pulleys.


oil blown out of dipstick?
I had my filler cap unscrew :oops: :roll: and i only lost about 1/4 litre of oil as it came nicely through the vent and onto the windscreen but that made a hell of a mess everywhere.


Nah its definitely coming from the left hand side of the engine, just cant get in to clean it up and pin point it, does anyone know if the oil pump is internal or external?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Do you have a front mounted oil coolier?
I guess it could get onto the pulleys from the filter (or something else in that area), and be flung forwards toward the headlight. Not sure about the oil pump, but I'd hazard a guess at internal.


Sounds like the oil is leakin from the filter and onto the power steering belt, this would cause the oil to travel round the belts and flick all over the place.

Could also be the crank seal.

The oil pump is internal by the way.



to replace the oil pump take about 1.5 hours and you dont have to de time the engine chances are it the main crankshaft seal not a big job about 20 mins at most check the surface that the seal run on in the back of the pulley as this get really badly groved over time


What you've described sounds exactly like what happened to me when i was driving someone elses GTI-R. He had just had the oil changed and whoever did it didn't believe that the tiny Micra filter was really meant for our cars so they fitted a bigger Nissan filter. Anyway it worked itself loose and sprayed oil all up under the bonnet, inner wing, back of the headlamp and pretty much covered the rear of the car too when it escaped underneath.

It could be as simple as the filter.


Cheers for the advice, it ended up being a mixture of 2 things, the crank pulley was working itself loose so it damaged the seal, and it had the wrong oil filter fitted. Genuine nissan filters have a pressure relief valve in them and most pattern filters dont, i never knew that until the nice man at nissan pointed it out, so wont be buying filters from motor factors again!


does this mean the halfords filter i was about to fit is not worth doing now?


Most probably, might be worth asking halfords if it has the relief valve or not. I noticed since i had the correct filter fitted my oil pressure is higher.