oil led



hello guys,
i need help in this,
when i turn on my car, the oil pressure goes to 7-8 bar, after 1-2 minute my oil led turns on.while driving it blinks,when still it is always on, when i brake during driving it turns off for about a 1 sec and then on again. i changed oil pressure sensor and oil filter, still the same.During driving when i step on it oil pressure is above 7-8+ bar.
any help plz..


you have more than likely either got a fault with the oil pressure sender switch (change it)
if problem is still there then the oil pressure relief valve in the pump will be jammed and not regulating pressure!

7-8 bar is way way too high, it may even be higher as the gauge only goes to 8 bar!
you will end up blowing the weakest oil seal on the engine and spewing oil everywhere, more than likely the oil filter seal, if your lucky!


i changed the switch.. i guess will check if the relief valve has a problem..but will this make the oil led blink..thx

Fast Guy

Staff member
Is there enough oil in the engine.

Fit a mechanical oil gauge so you can see if the pressure is ok. If it iis, then it's either the oil presure sensor for the light or the wiring from it.


guys, problem solved it was the wiring which made the led turn on and give the fault pressure..by the ways i have a 1/4 drag competion on saturday and iam the only gtir...do u recommend 14 inches or 15 inches tires for the drag..and does some liquid nitrous poured in the gas tank give me some benifits..

Fast Guy

Staff member
ziaddirani said:
do u recommend 14 inches or 15 inches tires for the drag..and does some liquid nitrous poured in the gas tank give me some benifits..
1)It realy depends on the tyre make/width/profile rather than the diammeter of the wheel.

2) I've never heard of that one before:shock: I'd expect it to either boil off and pressurise the tank and end up probably blowing something.