Oil gauge.......



I know with turbo cars you're supposed to let the oil warm up before you boot it.

But what should the oil temp gauge be at (stock gauges) before you boot it? Also, I have a top mount oil cooler, so obv this is going to cool it down too??

Any help appreciated!! New to the world of Pulsar!


Staff member
From cold the needle in the oil temp gauge will be way off the increments of the gauge, then after 5 mins of driving (keeping it off boost) the needle will start to move.
If your Oil Cooler has been fitted with a thermostatic take off plate (the thing your oil filter screws into) then the oil should heat up normally and depending on the size of the cooler your oil temps should stay pretty even all year round.
I'd say it takes about 10 mins for the oil temp to get up to the second notch on the gauge, then I start bringing in the boost slowly.
Just remember it's not just engine oil your waiting for to warm up, your waiting for the temps to rise in the "often forgotten" gearbox and diffs.

Just remember it's a 12/15 year old performance car and despite what anyone says, it will at some point in it's life been thrashed, it is most definitely NOT INDESTRUCTIBLE.

Mechanical Sympathy are the words you need to have banging about in your head.


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
stevepudney said:
AMEN to that!:thumbsup:

as Steve says, warm her up gently and cool her down on the move if possible dont just pull up after a thrash and let the car sit hot with low oil pressure and no air passing through the rad/cooler.