Oil Cooler Location


New Member
Ok here goes.

I still have the AC and TMIC so upon inspection of the engine bay it is looking extremely tight to fit an oil cooler, plus to fit it into a space which recieves constant direct incoming airflow. Therefore i have been looking around the car for space and a reasonable airflow.

With the removal of the standard exhaust system and the resinstatment of a mongoose there is a large area at the rear of the vehicle otherwise known as the parachute area lol :lol:

Has anyone hung the oil cooler in this area? If so have you had any problems with puncturing of the radiator unit? What length of oil feed and return lines did you get and are they available in this length?

Any other suggestions will be much appreciated.




what about removing one of the brake air ducts ant!
you can locate the cooler there, will make no difference to brake performance at all.


Staff member
Mine's in the front passenger duct going round the gearbox side of the engine. I could argue that it is where Nissan put it on the rally car and to balance weight blah blah but really it was for packaging reasons. I tried to go to the other side first but there are too many belts, driveshafts and wheels. Some people go over the top instead which is fine but just not as neat IMO. Your car is a lot different to mine Ant so fit it where its safe, easy, neat in that order.

You can get the pipe you need made up at any good hydraulics shop. Whatever enyone tells you, don't use Jubille fittings. They might be alright but you might be unluky (Like I was going to JAE last year) and then the car drops the oil pretty fast. Screw on fittings don't fail and if they do they only weep. I think it cost me about £15 per hose to get them done properly with all the fittings replaced. The length is unimportant in the cost of it but you need to measure it accurately as 15mm oil pipe doesn't bend much



New Member
I know alot of people has mounted them into the brake duct air feed void but in order to retain some of the manufacturers features which following blindly you would hope have been designed reasonable accurately i thought what about the rear of the car, what do you guys think to that? worth it, dangerous considering position etc?

I have retained the base of the OE airbox and fitted my Apexi cone filter inside that in an attempt to reduce heat soak and maintain the cold air feed originating from the said brake air duct, so to fit the cooler in there would probably divert air away from the feed and so in comparisson starve the intake:roll: :lol:

What row cooler would you reccommend to, 13, 16 or more considering a standard engine, 13 row i may be able to squeeze in to places others wouldn't fit but if its useless for the odd track event then i will avoid it. More than the 13 will require different positioning.

Dont you just love last minute jobs and thoughts lol:lol: :lol:

Thanks for the advice so far but im greedy and need more:lol:



New Member
I could probably (in theory) squeeze a 13 row in front of the AC rad however the 13 row may not be the best one to go for?

As the car is used everyday, for normal driving a 16 row may be to big and so the oil never gets upto optimum temps (may be wrong) plus i dont fancy having to fit it everytime i want go on track although if its in a position thats reasonable i wouldn't mind so much.

I only suggest the rear of the car as ive seen quite a few other (mainly on Evo's) cars have them mounted on the rear.

I will investigate more at the weekend as it was only a quick look for initial thoughts, i like to take my time and find the best solution on things like this.



New Member
hi ant, i have just fitted a oil cooler kit not that long ago, i made the kit up myself and was alot cheaper than the mocal kits.

i fitted mine where the aircon rad was and ran the pipes up through the engine bay. i was also looking at the brake duct but opted for the front.

mine is a 13 row, and i gotta say the temp gets to about 85-90 degrees with
some spirited driving, so would be more than capable for what you want.

here is where mine is located


New Member
So you reckon your 13 row is more than capable? Have you tried it on the track? tbh anything is better than standard lol.

I did look but with me having the AC rad in front of the water rad there is very little space for another cooler.

It may end up having to be the brake duct if no one thinks the rear of the car is a good idea?

Thanks for your replies people.



Staff member
A few points Ant:

1. Make sure you fit a thermostat whatever size cooler you fit
2. I use a 13 row, some people use bigger. The 13 might get warmer but not to the point that I'm concerned. It does the job but if you're worried fit a 16. It doesn't matter if you have a thermostat
3. I use the brake duct and I have the cold air feed going by it. Its tight in there but neither the oil cooling or cold air feed ducting is that critical.
4. Front is a good place and rayman has done a neat job. My FMIC has made things a bit tight and I didn't want the front centre too cramped with heat exchangers.

I've seen other cars use the space behind the engine, but not the back of the car. Its not a bad idea but you'll get more pressure drop with the added length and make sure you protect your feed and return pipes. IMO, anywhere on the car's front is fine.

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
I use a 13 row too and I find it very efficient, it’s also located in the same area as raymans. Before I had one, the temp’s were skyhigh, but once fitted they stay about 90 degrees when I’m track driving. :)
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New Member
Thanks mate, to be honest for my initial trials i think the 13 row is ample and yes i spotted the thermostat version of the sandwich plate and thought i would go for that rather than the norm, makes sense as you dont want the oil too cold and treacle like lol.

I will scour the bay for space or else fit it into the ducting as advised ;-)

Say hello to the family for us, hope everything is going well, congrats again.



New Member
fubar andy said:
I use a 13 row too and I find it very efficient, it’s also located in the same area as raymans. Before I had one, the temp’s were skyhigh, but once fitted they stay about 90 degrees when I’m track driving. :)
Thats what i need to know actual track use temps on the 13 row cooler.8)

Out of interest where did you get the setup? Ive looked on Rally Design and they dont seem to have any installation kit for the R:?



fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Mine was a mix of items from my local motorsport shop. Nothing with big brand names and just does the cooling the same.

If you’re having trouble trying to find a kit, drop me a PM and I’ll send you some contact details. ;-)


New Member
i got mine from ebay. i bought a brand new oil cooler for a MGgt £35 and a sandwhich plate with thermostat which was £45ish, then i went to my local pirtek and got the hoses made up for £20. dead easy to install, and like i said works a treat.