Oh my god this really is a Saxo problem.....................


New Member
Right as some of you might know i'm going to OZ in 3 weeks. Bought a cheap Saxo VTS to run around in till i go. Now its developed a problem!!

Basically the tickover is all over the place, its down on power and when you change gear it revs about 1k higher

ie you change gear at 4k and it revs to 5k when you dip the clutch and surges froward when you release the clutch.

They have:
Stepper motor for idle.
MAP sensor
Throttle position sensor
Coolent temp sensor

I at first thought it could have been the stepper motor letting air in, but when my dad followed me it was black smoking slightly, this has led me to think that the coolent temp sensor is wanked giving the ecu false readings so it thinks its cold. Then when the revs rise the ecu reduces the fueling making the revs drop etc etc etc

I've ordered a new temp sensor.

Does anybody else have any views? How do MAP sensors work?

----------Sold 'R no 3! Gettin 'R no 4 when i get to OZ----------

Fast Guy

Staff member
Have you checked for air leaks anywhere? I had a loose inlet manifold on a maestro once and that made it act in a similar fasion.


Staff member
my wifes Xara did this all the time. It was always back at the main dealers being fixed. In the end they said they cleaned out a load of onions from the air flow meter or something, then added garlic past to the fuel mixture, worked a treat :wink:

Dust in the air flow meter I think they said ???


ho god.. you've got a saxo!!!

a m8 of mine has a 106gti (same car really)
he has had no end of problems with it.

the coil pack has died on him twice. this lead to unburnt fuel getting onto the cat and killing that. then a couple of injectors went. one at a time. the air flow meter fooked up and was replaced. he has had 2 head gaskets!

other than that little lot i dont know much about french car (except that they are meant to stay in france!). but do check that the air box is fully sealed. this seemed to cause problems with the 106 and also the afm is poor and can easily brake.

good luck and do sell it soon eh!
