oh god....




I got my car back finally yesterday evening having had a new engine built and fitted. I have driven a total of 25km and so far everything has been quiet. I took the car for a day time drive jsut to get any idea of any leaks that may have developed and low and behold there are one or 2. No problem there.


as i pulled back into work all of a sudden i noticed a loud ticking noise. It is definately engine related but the exact issue is a mystery but i'm worried. It sounds like its coming from the top end as it doesn't sound like the bottom end knock's i remember. I did notice that the oil pressure had a tendancy to drop to 1 bar at warm idle. My first thought was a dodgy pressure sender as everything else seems ok but now i'm worried... I have a moderate leak from my sump at the moment but there is definately still oil in the car. Everything is new on the car but i cannot figure out what it could be.

Having done a little searching one thing people mentioned was timing. I don't think the car has been timed so could this be a possible cause? it is making this nosie at idle and when you rev the engine now. I'm currently debating getting it recovered to the garage as opposed to driving it as i dont want to cause any damage.

Any ideas?


Probably the fact that you may not have enough oil in the car...yes you have oil but you may not have enough. Especially it only being at 1 bar, should sit at at least 2 then up above 4 when on throttle.


ok to simplify- when i say there is oil, i mean there is oil to the maximum mark on the dip stick....

...or atleast there was yesturday, now it is below the max mark as i have lost some due to the leak. I checked this about 25 mins ago.

It does not sit constantly below 2bar jsut at odd moments....

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Do you find that the ticking noise is when it’s warmed up of when it starts straight from cold.
Have you checked your injectors make sure that they are not faulty. A trick I learned was if you get a long screw driver put handle to your ear and the other end to the injector you can hear it ticking away. Weird I know, but you can listen to them and make sure that they are all ok.

I’ve developed a light ticking noise when the car is up to temperature, but a little revving and the noise goes away, not quite a vibration noise, but it did make me wonder was it was?
Oil pressure is also spot on, but it does need changing. Not only that, my engine re-build is less 12 months old.


cheers for that. If i had a screwdriver at hand while i was at work i would have given it a pop but i was fairly sure it was top end. Injectors are/were/should be OK but having dropped it at the garage and having had a listen they think it's something to do with the lifters which might explain the odd fluctuations in oil pressure. Either way rocker is off tomorrow and they'll have a look as I'm fed up of dicking round with it. I guess it was to be expected that there would be teething problems, especially as i had such a hand in the build.


Oh while we're on the subject, the oil pressure relief valve; is it accessible with the sump off? I only have a vague picture in my mind and figure it's worth giving that a clean up, just to make sure there isn't any detritus in there.


mind dropped oil pressure when i dented the sump pan, so worth making sure you have not got a little dent in the sump pan!


it could be anything tbh liam
i doubt very much that its the ignition timing thats out as that wont cause a knock / tick at idle
trouble is, its very hard to describe a noise via words someone would have to listen to it.

who built the engine, and did you check everything before fitting it? always a good idea if your unsure about it.


for lack of a better description, it sounds like noisey tappets. I built the head with a bit of guidance so it could very well be my own **** up but i guess the only real leasons learned are from the mistakes you make. It was built from scratch, bar the lifters which were already in place. there was a dent in the oil pan but i thought i did a pretty good job pushing it out. I have a spare sump so again, it might be worth trying that too.



[quote OK but having dropped it at the garage and having had a listen they think it's something to do with the lifters which might explain the odd fluctuations in oil pressure.[/quote]

what exactly do you mean by lifters?
there arent any lifters as such as the head is non hydraulic being a solid movement from cam to valve.
so this will have no effect on oil pressure at all


TBH i don't understand how the idea of solid lifters work. I think the reference was in regard to the oil 'jets' under the rockers (i did know the correct name but can't think of it right now)


well heres the answer and I'm sure most wouldn't have guessed it. It is a lash adjuster that has come loose.
But not just loose, it has stripped the thread out which leads me to believe it was poorly re-assembled after it's rebuild. To say i am disappointed and annoyed is quite the understatement but it should be a relatively easy fix with a spot of JB weld. At the point i am not really interested in pulling it all out again so i shall call this a temp fix and then replace it later.

Thanks to Bob, yet again for the help.


well... i may be calling it a lash adjuster but it is the domed pivot that the rocker arm sits on top. I don't have any other word for it but thats whats come loose.