Now I know what I want for Christmas

Fast Guy

Staff member
I've got the older version.

I soldered it back to working ability on friday and think I finally killed my clutch last night seeing what G I could pull on the launch. :lol: (0.97G :wink: :) )


Staff member
What a way to go for the clutch 8)

I was looking at the older version first as they are only £30 now, but when I looked at the information and videos on the website, I thought I've got to have the $299 one. Probably that in pounds once its delivered but what a tuning device. It'll log all the G I pull and in which direction so I compare any mods I make and have a good guesstimate at the BHP/torque. Its quite bling but a handling geek's dream :roll: :wink:


Staff member
It finally came in the post over the weekend, what a cool toy.

Once you'd waded through the manual for 5 minutes it was very easy to setup.

It picks my rpm up from the cigarette lighter :shock: after about 30s of calibration and is accurate to 100rpm!!!

The shift lights are very handy when overtaking so you can just watch the road and not risk bouncing the limiter.

I haven't tested it in anger yet on the R but have done My MR2 and mt mates Golf. The stats are pretty accurate and it should be a pretty handy tuning tool.

Unfortunately it comes with a 110/12V transformer so I need to get somrthing else to be able to plug it in at home and download the results to the analysis software that comnes with the sensor.

By knowing the rpm and the acceleration, it can produce a Net HP and torque plot. This is different to WHP or flywheel as its affected by drag and inclines etc. Again, it does give a useful indication of the affect of changes. I need to get my car on a weighbridge to make this more accurate too.

Will update when I've found out something more useful than I pulled 0.73g around a roundabout on my way to work this morning.