not charging


hi have a problem with charging circuit, changed alternator, voltage at battery, 12 volts, start car voltage approx the same, if you disconnect the wire from the alternator that connects to the battery and reconnect it you then get 14 volts, is there a relay or something in the circuit that is being rest by disconnecting then reconecting this wire ?


Ive been having problems from the same wire.Mines had come broken off and if i left the interior light on for a while it was going dead.Its not that the alternator was fuked tho,coz if everything is switched off at night etc,it starts 1st time in the morning.Its only if i leave something on and it dosnt have to be for a long time.I was re-fitting my boost gauge 1 day and just by flicking the lights on and off several times to make sure the gauge was still lighting up,it drained the battery.Got the wire re-connected yesterday,but havnt been in a situation to check it yet.

HTH in some way.


yes the batt light comes on ok with ign on, and goes out when you start the car , volt meter across batt shows 12 volts, if you disconnect the wire from spade at the battery positive connection. from alternator, you are geting about 14,8 volts, connect it back while the car is still running , then you are geting 14 volts on volt meter across battery.stop the car and restart it only geting 12 volts till you dissconnect and reconnect wire, is there any relays in the charging circuit ?


New Member
So are you saying that if you have "the wire" whatever wire that may be, connected before you start the car, then start the car the voltage across the battery is 12v.

If you disconnect "the wire" whilst running the voltage across the battery increases from 12v to 14.8v, and if you reconnect "the wire" it drops to 14v?

What is this wire you are talking about, is it there for a purpose, where does it come from where does it go, what does it power?

Do you really need this if its something that shouldn't really be there?




by doing what you have just done you will blow the diode pack in the alternator!
you should never do that ie connect wire to alternator whilst its live as you get a sudden power surge.
chances are that the alternator is now done for.

the alternator does not run via a relay


the wire we were connecting and disconecting is the multi plug on the alternator (the out put fom the alternator to the battery. start the car and its not charging, disconnect this wire and connect it whilse the car is running and it charges. can any one help.


hi fault found, the reason we were getting 15volts with the alternator, to battery cable disconnected, and droping of when the cable reconnected, was that when the alternator was under load, the alternator bonding onto the crankshaft pulley has separated, and such was slipping , new crankshaft pulley fitted now ok, cheers for all replys, jim