Not a Good Way to Return to the Gtir World


New Member
People may remember me as jaigtir, one of the old school owners from when the forum was first set up.
Not been here for a long time, but the gtir is finally nearing completion after soooo long, and am looking forward getting back into it. Only one slight problem

Was going up the motorway a couple of days back and got stuck behind a van doing about 50mph in the fast lane refusing to move over even though the slow lane was clear.. He eventually moved over and i shock my head as i went past while he stuck two fingers up at me. As i pulled in front of him, he decided to sit on my bumper, so naturally i sped up to pull away from him. About 3-4 minutes later i see a police car in my rear view mirror, and got pulled over. He then said they had clocked me doing an average speed over 1.527 miles of 106.7 miles p/hour in 51.52secs using one of the devices in thier volvo that measures time over two distance points. I cant believe i didnt see them, as i check my mirror very regularly and was shocked we i saw them behind me. They said they clocked me from when i took over the van, didnt see him tailgating me though!!!!.
I had a look at the equipment but how do i know it was for my car???? I believe there was no photographic evidence, because when i asked him to show me the evidence, that is all he showed me.

Wasnt interested in my story about the van, just said i would recieve a court summons in acouple of months and more than likely lose my licence.

In terms of paperwork all he gave me was rectification form which has my details and licence details.I thought this is the form they give you if you have any defects with your car?? Then under the VDF Defects section all he has written is 106.7mph, 1.527 miles, 51.52 secs.
Is this the proper form he should had given me?

I have had a completly clean licence for 8 years now and am wondering is there any way i could get out of this. Basically if i lose my licence i lose my job and will prob have the sell the car.
. I was in my audi cabriolet.


Still waiting on some shims!
8 years clean licence I'm sure you only lose your licence for 1 months with zero points..

But they need to show evidence that it was you that they were tracking or else it could have been for anyone.. When you go to court just ask for all the video footage, calibration cert for that day and all the usuals. If the police fail to have any of this with them then the case is thrown out.. Most people just sign the form guilty and send it into the courthouse.. But if you are sure you weren't speeding then challenge it all in court..

Failing that, give Nick Freeman a call -

Reference Articles:
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New Member
Hi, Rishi good to hear from you again

How does a ban affect insurance? Do they charge absolutly stupid premiums? This ould also be a factor whether or not i keep the car:?


New Member
Things like this jai are why i lost all interest in having a quick car on the road, i was very lucky twice getting pulled at well over the ton and got 3 points there and then as the nice policeman wasn't a complete twat, shame the majority of them are though.

if you go to court you will be very lucky not to get a ban purely due to the speed, doing 100mph in their eyes would suggest to them that you have a complete disregard for the speedlimits, magistrates are complete fckuwits. The policemans word will be sufficient in a magistrates court as evidence, although you might get it thrown out on a technacallity. The one saving grace is the fact that you need your license for your job so if they offer you the opportunity to go on one of their silly speed awareness courses take it.

When they ask how you are pleading, dont say guiltyish :lol: they dont find that funny, and if you really want to upset them tell them you'd like to pay cash for the fines right now :lol: they dont seem to like that either.

All in all, its a bloody boring waste of time going to court so i think you should go on the run :lol:


New Member
Do you have legal cover on any of your insurance policies (e.g car, house, car breakdown, life insurance, pension, etc)? Most insurance will have some kind of legal advice line which can help.

failing that your local citizens advice centre.

If the paperwork is improper from the coppers then you must vbe able to get out of it, surely.

stuart rawlinson

Long time now hear m8

Back to facts they need to show evidence go to court ask for there evidence video etc, DONT take there word for it dont let them shaft u up the a**e with out a fight
to many ppls give up without a fight in court its your rite

F**k em fight the system you have Nothing to lose all to gain

I did and won my speeding case Thanks to Pepipoo also

Good luck buddy
Stu R


New Member
stuart rawlinson said:
Back to facts they need to show evidence go to court ask for there evidence video etc, DONT take there word for it dont let them shaft u up the a**e with out a fight
to many ppls give up without a fight in court its your rite
a basic speeding offence may get thrown out on some nonsense technacality (sp) but anything else, and if the cps really want to get you to court you will find yourself sat there bored, listening to their nonsense rubbish wishing you hadn't bothered your **** to turn up... :lol: i went to court on a dangerous driving charge :shock: obviously i was innocent, the ****ers even miscalculated my speed :lol: i was flat in 3rd, in my car that was an easy 110mph not the 80 that they quoted :lol:

i got taken to court on an off duty pig sh!t cnuts word

stevepudney said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
steve, you should have been there on the day...:lol: i was told to get to court for 9:00, so i did, by 12:00 i still hadn't been in. I'd seen loads of tracksuit wearing bits of sh!t come and go, listened to the cr@p they'd been talking with their chavvy mates whilst waiting to go in and come 12:00 the magistrates wanted their din dins...So their i am, sat there in my hugo boss suit, (trying to make a good impression) p!ssed off that i havn't been in despite being there for 3 hours, yet god knows how many little chav cnuts have been in and out, so during the magistrates lunch, we (me and the missus) went to the pub :shock: :lol:

an hour, i can get 4 pints down, so i did :lol:

back to court, still not called in, a magistrate who was very nice but was doing the family court explained how it all worked, that the little scrote cnuts getting legal aid will be dealt with first as it costs the government money to have their legal representives paid for whilst they are there, so they deal with them first, fine them fook all cos they know they wont pay it anyways and get them in and out as quick as possible.

Now, law obeying muggins, finally gets called in, p!ssed of that he's been there for 5 fooking hours and couldn't really careless about any of it as he's already expecting a ban gets the charges read out against him..

what a crock of sh! not having that..

so i plead guiltyish....:lol:

1 lady magistrate sees the humour in it.. the rest dont, neither does the clerk of court...(lesbian never been shagged properly looking type of cnut) spells it out again, 'guilty or not guilty mr swift, guiltyish isn't recognised by this court'

so i aim my focus at the one with the sense of humour ;)

she chuckles, the rest look at me like im a cnut, they p1ss off out the back for 10 mins, i wind up the cps, telling them how i know im here on false evidence and will go to the sun :lol:

then i get the verdict.

5 points, 300 fine, 50 costs. (was already on 6 points, maybe the letter i wrote worked :lol: and saved me from a ban)

what a load of crap, i've been here half a fooking day and your time is only worth £ time is about 4 times that :lol: so when they ask how i want it broken down to pay i tell them they can have it right now.....head magistrate man, splutters and says how he hopes this is the end of the matter..blah..blah..blah

Having gone through a magistrates court, if i ever go there again, i will lie on the form about my income, i will turn up in a tracksuit and i will probably leave with less b/s and a lower fine than i got when i turned up as myself.....its retarded.....they are fooking cocks...

hence go on the run :lol:
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Active Member
yep had the same with mine got done doing 103 in a 70
when they come to end and say anything else to add i said i was willng to take a higher fine to help reduce points etc "AS IT SAYS ON THE LETTER THEY SEND YOU AT THE START OF IT ALL " the dick head turns round and says you cant buy your way out of trouble, pennis i was only repeating what they had told me as u say should have gone in a tracksuit etc and said i only earnt £50 a month
got off with 6 points and 250 fine so at least i didnt get banned


New Member
exactly allen

if i ever go to a magistrates court again for a driving offence i will turn up in a track suit, with a can of stella claiming peasentry and you will get off with fook all :lol: fook them.,....

they do not fine the sh!t heads as they know they wont pay, the wont investigate your earnings as that costs them money,so play them at their own game, you will go to court for speeding in excess of 100mph, but once there, just act like a drunken **** and get fined fook all :lol: if you can borrow some chavvy kids that look dependant on you take them aswell....:lol:

infact take me, i know how it works now, say you had to give your uncle albert a lift :lol:
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New Member
Keira said:
exactly allen

if i ever go to a magistrates court again for a driving offence i will turn up in a track suit, with a can of stella claiming peasentry and you will get off with fook all :lol: fook them.,....

they do not fine the sh!t heads as they know they wont pay, the wont investigate your earnings as that costs them money,so play them at their own game, you will go to court for speeding in excess of 100mph, but once there, just act like a drunken **** and get fined fook all :lol: if you can borrow some chavvy kids that look dependant on you take them aswell....:lol:

infact take me, i know how it works now, say you had to give your uncle albert a lift :lol:
Haha sounds like a plan! :thumbsup:


New Member
Right guys, i thought i had got a lucky break as i had not heard nothing but got a courth summons through the post today(5/07/2008). I am a bit confused as to what to do

I have recieved the summons today but i thought if they dont send it out by 6 months they cannot prosecute you? The incident took place on 24/12/07.

Also the offense says that i was driving a volvo index GN55 ***, at a speed exceeding 70mph. I have no idea what car this is but it certainly isnt my car.

This is the first correspondance i have recieved from the police since the incident. I have had no NIP or anything of the sort.

surely i have a way out of this with these errors.

Any help appreciated.


Active Member
id seek advice on the legal website mate before u do anything as theres lots of points you need to check
any contact with the old bill could incriminate yourself tread carefully


New Member
nismogtir400 said:
Also the offense says that i was driving a volvo index GN55 ***, at a speed exceeding 70mph. I have no idea what car this is but it certainly isnt my car.
legal advice is the best bet but if they cant even get the car you were driving correct, then there isn't a case to answer

hpi the plate and see if you can find out what/where that car is


Active Member
I'd go to court on the day, hope that the police are there, and watch their faces when you tell the magistrates that you have no idea who's car they are refering to on the summons as you've never owned a car with that index !

That would be a picture !

Oh, and don't get caught doing that sort of speed on a public road again ! ;-)



South West Regional Rep
Yeah I got a ticket and they spelt my name wrong, incorrect reg plate and even the car colour. So when they contacted me I said that person isn't know at this address, nor is there a car matching their description so they left it :)


New Member
if you go to court.
also ask for the reciept of the calibration of there equipment
as it has to be done every morning