Norris Green Machine...


Still waiting on some shims!
Here is a video of Norris' Green Machine @ Bruntinthorpe for the 30 - 130mph challenge...

It clocked 30 - 130 in 6.19secs and that was with a rolling start... If he launches it he's hoping or mid 5secs... Needless to say that he was the fastest there by quite a bit....



Well-Known Member
my utmost respect to someone who can afford to spunk £100K on a car ( tax free ;)


its awsome8) :lol:
i showed it to everyone at work this morning
but most people arent impressed they still think a porsche or ferrari is faster:?
even some of my mates think that tuned cars cant beat supercars:roll: its like they dont want to believe it
or they are just ignorant:evil:
i suppose if you are'nt a petrolhead you'll never understand:cry:


i would give my left testicle for that thing. love it!:lol:


You wont be laughing when his 100K cars pisses all over your 4K shitters at TOTB. Can you tell I'm bitter about somthing ? :lol:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
God said:
my utmost respect to someone who can afford to spunk £100K on a car ( tax free ;)
me too, imagine how many fcd' s he had to sell to buy that:shock: :p :lol:

AJ4 said:
You wont be laughing when his 100K cars pisses all over your 4K shitters at TOTB. Can you tell I'm bitter about somthing ? :lol:
more wise words from GOD:lol:

my evo owning mate gixxer mentioned that they paid £100 a car for 50 cars to run, they were supposed to have the whole place to themselves and on the day they cut their area right down:? one of the runners had an lorry cut across his path whilst he was 100mph+:shock: **** that!

did you know santa pod are running a hot hatch handling circut? £10 for 3 laps and if you get out of 2nd your flying lol

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Yeah people seriously do not want to hear about tuned cars raping supercars.
Most people at work/in general refuse to believe that my sunny can get to 60 in bellow 5.5 seconds LOL

Ignorant indeed.



Yeah know the feeling people here believe poobaru's are the fastest thing THE END, cos they watched 1 WRC program its like come on people always good though to say wana go for a run if you dont believe me and then you get to make them talk to you whilst using 50% Tht and when you convince them it feels slow then you give it a new gear and whistle away :lol:

Ive seen some white faces since ive own the R trust me they'll never question it again :lol: