non start problem


New Member
i was driving along the road the other day when the car suddenly just cut out and wouldnt rev or anything there was a strong smell of fuel from the exhaust for a couple seconds.when i got it home i started checking everything and found i was getting a spark and fuel upto the rail but the injectors were not switching and no fuel was going into the boars.i replaced the injector resistor which made no difference.i had an hks pfc fcon management system on the car and was told it could of possibly packed in so i replace it along with the lum for a standard ecu.once id plugged everything back in it had made no difference im still gettin fuel to the rail but the injectors are not switching and im not getting any fuel.can anyone please help with this problem?

gtir henners

New Member
have you got an imobilizer? i had a simular prob a couple of weeks ago. have you checked to see if you have a voltage at the injectors? they should have a constant supply with a switchable earth


New Member
no imobilizer.had a constant voltage at the injectors but would not switch turned out to be the ecu so swapped the ecu and lum for standard and fuelling was sorted but wouldnt spark just decided to rip the engine out and do a full rebuild.

thanks for the reply