Non R.



Hi guys.............need some help
I fitted an aftermarket exhaust to my mates Starlet GT Turbo and now its hitting the fuel cut. We're gonna fit an HKS fuel cut defender but we also need to up the fuelling slightly as the ECU cannot supply enough fuel (hence the fuel cut).
Would an HKS AFR( :?: ) be able up the fuelling enough. My friend had one in his R and it just wired into the ECU wires but he said that it only allows slight adjustment.
Its gonna be rolling roaded aswell but we wanna get everything sorted before.



Active Member
jase what boost is he going to run? the feul cut only stop the air flow voltage reaching 4.5 volt thats when the ecu cut fuel. afr will give slight increase through the rev range in small increments.or you could up the fuel pressure by fitting pump or adjustable reg.



Its running standard boost but when you boot the car because of the new exhaust the boost goes over standard and the fuel cuts :(
I was just gonna fit a FCD as its prob only slightly overboosting but have been warned against this, been told i need to sort the fuelling.

I cant understand how an uprated FPR would help, as isnt it the ECU that controls the fuelling via the injectors?? And apparently its because the ECU cant supply fuel over standard that the fuel cuts??

Anyway, hows your R coming on Zia, I met you at Trax and it was off the road then :(


Active Member
most ecu have reserve capacity to fuel for upto25% power increase the ecu dicides how much fuel by what the sensor and information it recieve.if the airflow meter reads that it at 4.5 which it on max load the ecu cut the fuel of as preventative measure from harming the engine /turbo etc. i,d fit hkd with some sort of boost control so that you worn,t need,ll need to know what the baseline fuel pressure is?. and have good quality c/o machine to check what a/f/r is when on boost.having a adjustable fpr
you can increase the pressure throught the rev range so it doesn,t run lean at the top.try the fcd first and o from there.
car fine mate runs sweet as nut.looking forwarfd giving it some stick this year :twisted:


Might just fit the FCD and get it rolling roaded to make sure its all ok
We havent touched the boost, just fitted a free-er flowing zorst so hopefully the ECU can handle the slight increase in boost from the zorst