non compliant gearbox


New Member
twice in the last few days i have gone to put the car into reverse and the stick wont slip into gear,ive then moved the gearstick into other gears then back to reverse,but still the same .the only thing that helped was to put the car into first then drive forward an inch then the gearstick slipped easily into this a sign of something really good?


Well-Known Member
I think i remember one of my old boxes being like that :wink:

It is in about a million bits now though after it exploded :lol:

Whats the clutch like? Does it bite close to the floor?


New Member
clutch feels ok,but thinking about it now and again it does bite close to the floor :shock: this isnt looking too good now,is it?


Well-Known Member
If the clutch is biting close to the floor then the clutch wont be realeasing fully which could make it hard to get into gear :wink:

Might just be a case of adjusting the clutch and it'll be ok.


New Member
car goes in for a few tweaks tommorow ,that includes a new ap hopefully that will sort it out.
thanks for the advice.


I had this on my old R but I couldnt select reverse at all, it felt solid when pushed in reverse direction as if there was something blocking it.
It turned out to be a tiny broken spring thing inside the gearbox :roll:


New Member
i wouldnt put an ap racing clutch in pete if u payed me... i have had three go on me now all in exactly the same place and in my opinion they are component failures and not driver induced :shock: