no power at high revs



i have just got my car from japan, when i got the car it was running on 3 Cylinders. This was due to water being in the plug/leads compartment, I have now changed the plugs and now the car is running on 4 cylinders, but whenever the engine starts to get a load, it seams to have no power,
In first gear the car seams to be ok, but when put into second and about 4800 rpm the car seams to have no power, put into 3rd and again the car has no power after around 4400 rpm,

Could it be the leads, or is it something else,

I have notice that the more I drive it, the less this is happening, so do you think it may be due to that the car has not bean driven for a while.

i need your help


Fast Guy

Staff member
It might be worth giving it a service if it has stood for abit.
If that doesn't cure it do an ecu fault check then, after that then start looking at the ignition timing, cam timing, MAF,


New Member
Yeah agree with Fast guy... service but sounds like the fuel filter very common for these to be blocked and that would cause lack of power high up

Timur 008

I imported my R from Japan, also it had a problem which sounded similar to yours. Mine was a cracked distributor - so Abbey told me & when changed all was good.

good luck m8


i also had this problem when i just got it over from Japan it was the plug leads and coil lead breaking up under load.