no boost



no boost (now sorted)

Okay today before i got the car on the rollers it made a poor 220, the problems were turbo bolts hanging off, hole in downpipe, broken exhaust gaskets, broken acuator.

So today all things sorted and the car ran 308bhp.
But i kept blowing off boost pipes. Anyway all put right.

Today coming back home gave 1.2 bar a try and after a blast i noticed the car is not going over 0bar? wtf, like its not boosting any ideas

blown pipes again, or faulty boost controller, or wtf
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Fast Guy

Staff member
Does it drive like there's no boost? If so, then yes, probably the boost hose has come off. Normally you notice them coming off under boost when you head butt the windscreen:doh:


Active Member
sounds like one of the pipes has worked its way loose again...what hose clips you using matey? sounds like you need to start using some miklacor clips to me


can't u come down to enfield now, as iam going york tommorow till tues..want to have a piece of mind before i go

Fast Guy

Staff member
Can't you have a look yourself? It should be quite obvious which one has come off, if it isn't then just check each join by hand for movement.


Active Member
some times it just take another person to spot a cant see the wood for the trees some times:doh: :shock: :lol: :lol: ;-)


looks like it's the clip on the wastegate/ pipe that has come off, can someone show me a picture or tell this dumb bugger (me) where to look----->Thanks

Fast Guy

Staff member
Is that the picture of yours or a reference picture?
I lost the clip on my old car and used some locking wire from work. It lasted as long as I had the car, so it works.

Not sure if you can get to it in situ or if the turbo needs to come off. Send a small child in to fix it.:lol:


Active Member
if the heat shelids are not in place then you can just get you hand behind to attach another circlip trouble is where do you buy then from i had trouble when i needed one


fast guy its a referenece picture, my bloody tubular mainfold is in the way and i can't get my big hands through.
Everything is in the way jimmy, might need some kiddy hands as fast guy suggested.
looks like the mainfold has to come off


Active Member
ill have a go if you can pick me up matey then when your over you can have a laugh at my wreck:doh: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops:


ill have a go if you can pick me up matey then when your over you can have a laugh at my wreck:doh: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops:

sorry to hear it


cheers guys all now sorted for the sake of a 1p (but i got for free from nissan, lol, shock) circlip (c clip),
so decided to try my luck pop into nissan as i knew a guy there from back in 1999 james kasim who used to own a 450bhp pulsar.
After 10 mins he got me in, all done for free. by nissan....

here was the missing link...end of actuator rod now in place and back to 1.2 bar boosting...
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New Member
i now have exacr symtoms after pig of a day fitting 3071 oh my god. fooked if that manifold is comin off again....

new actuator went on so must check this out mayb wastegate is stuck open..... thought some boost be generated even so...

anyway, off to the pub sfter brutal day of fitting and swearing.....
