Nissan diagnostics


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anybody knew.....................

If i took my car to nissan and got them to hook my R up to their diagnostics checker would it be able to give any more info than doing the ecu fault code test?

Basically my cars got an electrical fault (check out topic called "car won't run" further down the page for more info) and i've tried everything i can think of now :cry: The only left to check out is the ecu. I was gonna check it by putting on my mates R, but he (understandably) dosen't want to risk putting my ecu on his car just incase.

Or does anyone know where i could get my ecu checked?


New Member
yes it can give more than fault codes.. it can run real time diagnostics, and u can view all input and output signals.. cheers


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how much nissan rip you off (i mean charge :lol: ) to plug it in to the diagnostics machine :?:


You can stick your ECU in my 'R' to try if that wil help? Dunno if thats a quick job or not? Let me know.


Well-Known Member
mattygti-r said:
i bet nissan wont do that , they hate Rs at teh best of times :oops:
Funny you should say that cos i got my mate that is a valeter at the nissan garage to find out how much it would cost to hook it up to their diagnostics machine. He told me they said the car was too old to plug in to the machine :roll:

Sounds to me like they either can't be bothered or they don't know what they're doing cos its a gti-r.

I know they've only ever had 1 R in before,and that was for a water pump.

I'm gonna go in tomorrow and see if i can get any sense out of them :roll:

Gaz. I might take you up on that offer if i can't get nissan to look at it. Just need to make sure that if my ecu is dodgy it wouldn't affect your car. Anyone know if it would :?:


New Member
lol... too old my arse.. it will plug on.. and i love R's..
best find a friendly nissan technician:) most dealers charge 40-50 squid.
it dosnt take long.. just nissan charge the dealers for renting the consult machine. 3k a year or something stupid.

im in north east if u wanna trip...btw dont tell ;)


Well-Known Member
They told me today that they couldn't plug it in cos they haven't got any info for the car :roll:

Think they were trying to make out that the consult thingy that they've got won't have any data for the gti-r.


well if your mate wont let you put your ecu cos he's worried it will mess his up then why dont u ask him if u can try his in yours? that way you will still find out if urs is naff or not?! 8)