New inscription.



Hi There,

A short introduction:

My name 's Frank. I'm 30 years old/young, from the Netherlands, wanted a Gti-R ever since it came out and I'm driving one since allmost 5 years.
Only remaining whish might be a Skyline one day, but than again, I've got a wife and son...
My sunny (pulsar) stands still at the moment. We just finished fitting a new turbo (...standard..) and next, I'm going for a new interior and a new paintjob.
I've got a wide interrest in cars (specialy japanese ), but I'm not very technical. I do what I can, but depend a lot on people who have more experience.
As an example. I'll post a little problem of mine later on.
After disassembling my intercooler for the third time allready, I'm left with a hanging tube from the cooler down. No idea where it goes..
Anyway, later on, with foto's.

That's all for now, greetings to you all.



New Member
Banzai said:
I'm left with a hanging tube from the cooler down. No idea where it goes..
If it's an inverted U shape, then it sounds like the gearbox breather pipe and should vent to atmosphere :wink:

Hi there and welcome by the way :D


either that or it could be the pipe to the turbo actuator should connect to a metal pipe under the intercooler and then from there to the plenium (think thats wot tis called :oops: )


Hi there and welcome to the mad house Frank :D
5 years driving the R! - any spec, pics?



Hi everyone.

Thanks allready.
I thought I'd make a new topic about the tube. but this forum seems very efficient :D
And yes, 5 years, driving the same gti-r. I must say I don't drive it 24/7.
Specs, I'm sorry, but it is and probably will remain pretty standard.
Sofar just 16" OZ Alloy wheels (soon to be 17"), momo sporting steer and "gearknob", alarm, central doorlocking on remote, forge dumpvalve,
K&N sportsfilter, and any day now a turbo timer and a strutbrace.
Next time I need new shocks, I'd like a complete new ajustable setup.
I have no real intension to tune it to 400Bhp.
In fact, I'd like to keep it as original as possible.
Pics ? didn't look yet where to upload. (have no webspace myself).

The 'mysterious tube ?,

Comes down from the cooler, about 5mm in diameter and about 20cm's long.


New Member
welcome Frank 8)
*why did i just read your post in my own head in a funny dutch style accent?*


pete-r said:
welcome Frank 8)
*why did i just read your post in my own head in a funny dutch style accent?*
Probably because I have one :lol:

@ OZ: Thanks for the layout.
Now if you guys are throwing technical parts at me, I'll know what some are. :D
Hopefully I can check it all tonight.


Where did you get that idea ?

I'll show you a proper image:

there you go...


OK, eindelijk weer een beetje tijd gehad om de boel weer los te halen.
I heb jullie foutief ingelicht :oops: , de aansluiting loopt niet recht in de cooler, maar loopt in het frame erondrdoor engaat daarna de collector in. (via weer een ander slangetje).
Dus het ander (nu loshangende) einde zou naar een 3-weg connector moeten lopen, waarvan de resterende 2 aansluitingen dan weer naar 1, de wastegate actuator en 2, de wastegate solenoid valve zouden moeten lopen.
Nu is het probleem dat alle aansluitingen al bezet zijn. En die ene waarop mijn los slangetje zou moeten passen is dus al aangesloten op een slang die terug naar achter loopt. Lijkt naar onder de collector te lopen, maar ik kan niet zien waar ie precies heengaat...

Dus, 1 oplossing en 1 nieuw vraagstuk.

Tips zijn natuurlijk welkom en anders houd ik jullie weer op de hoogte

And for those of you who didn't get that:

Finally I had some time to take off the cooler again and I must say I gave you the wrong information. :oops:
The tube doesn't go straight on to the cooler, but passes under through the frame..
Only question now is:
The end of the tube should apparantly (?) go to the 3-way connector, from which the remaining 2 connections go to the wastegate accurator and- solenoid valve. Now, the end that should fit on my 'problem'tube, is allready taken by another tube that passes right back under the cooler and goes somewhere under the collector. I can't see exactly where.
At least I know we did't change anything in all the connexions, so the car has allways run like this.
Does anyone know what's the effect of this 'setup'or where the tube goes that should be the one hanging lose now ?



Oh, and I don't know if this topic should be moved now, but I'll leave that up to the moderator's.

(as if I have any say in the matter.. :lol: )



We didn't find the destination to were the unknown tube went.
(the one coming from the 3-way connector).
It goes somewhere back under the air collector, but we can't see where.

So now I've left everything the way it was, finished up and went to start the engine. (first without ignition to build up oil pressure)
Then for real: first turn and it was running :D
No leaks. good turbo-pressure, good air-intake, all systems are go.
Whitin a few minutes it was running as if it had never stopped for some months.

Me verry happy ! :D :D

Now the interieur and a new paintjob...


It took some time (!) (rebuilt the kitchen first), but We've figured out the "tube-problem".
My solenoid valve was not connected to the collector (via the splitter).
And my dumpvalve was connected to the air-outlet (?) of the transmission.
So that's the tube that going to hang loose now. And then I'll have to switch the other two. I'll have to get a new one though, cause one's too short now.
I'm hoping after this, the response will improve a bit.

I'm hoping to have time to work on the car again soon.
Turbo timer is in, so is a new backseat. ( didn't have one yet...)
Soon it'll be stripping, paintjob and a new windshield.

That's the update sofar..

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
if you register to you can host your pictures on there and post http links to them on here;-)

im not sure i like the sound of your dumpvalve being rigged to the gearbox breather lol at least if we had some pics to look at.........


It was connected to the outlet of the DV off course, but still....
I 'll link some photo's from my webspace later on. Anyways, the problem seems to be solved for the time being. I'll let you know how it runs and if there's a better response after the next testdrive.


Does this work ?

My loose tube, that comes out from behind the cooler (collector).

Apparently, this should now go to the splitter before the soneloid valve and the tube that was there instead shoul then go to the outlet of the DV.
Finally, the gearbox breather that was on the outlet of the DV, comes to hang loose.