New Help Please


clio gtt

Hey guys first off hello to everyone great forum:-D

I am new to pulsars, always owned clio valvers, 5 gt turbos ect but am tooing and throwing about buying one but need a few things answered!!!! I would really appreciate your time to answer these questions (i know theres quite a few) but it would be very much welcome.

1 - How reliable is a nissan pulsar??

2 - How easy is it to get 300bhp + out of a pulsar??

3 - How much do they cost to maintain e.g service, fuel consumption??

4 - Are there any "KNOWN" faults with pulsars e.g rust, head gaskets failing ect??

5 - How much is a good pulsar with good mods ect going to cost??

6 - Is there any down falls with this little car producing so much bhp e.g clutch wear, broken gearboxes ect??

7 - How easy is it to get parts for them??

Thanks very much guys:-D :-D 8)


New Member
Yes.... as Russ has mentioned, you will gain more unbiased information initualy by using the search facility... then come back and ask some questions about more deep rooted issues.
You are going about it the right way though.... research the buy.
Age and spare cash can be a big factor for insurance and to cover an exspensive failure / repair.

My personal opinion is that you get a lot of car for your money but like any highly tunned car, they do need looking after/attention and go through consumables...


Active Member
1. Its 16yrs old. Parts come and go. Some are very reliable, some arent, also depends how far you push it.

2. 300bhp is achievable with little cash.

3. High. Mpg is laughable on some cars.

4. Rust on rear arch.

5. I'd look to pay 3.5k to 4k for a good un.

6. Over 300bhp, your standard clutch will start to slip. Gearbox normally holds well until you go silly 400+ bhp.

7. Easy. Quite a few on here breaking cars for parts. Advertisment for Pulsarboby.

CAVEAT: The above views are the personal opinion of a 1Bar mong (myself) and not necessarily the majority views of this forum or its members.

Enjoy! :thumbsup:

clio gtt

Thanks for replys so far guys, i have a 240bhp clio at the moment and know that they have many problems, traction and clutches being the biggest.:doh:

They also suffer badly on the rear arches although thankfully mine has not:thumbsup:

What mods could be done fairly cheap then to give 310 - 320bhp?????

Is there any major mechanical problems known to these cars though, for example my clio 1.8 16v is a car re-nound for blowing up gearboxes, i done 2 myself with the 137bhp lump.:twisted:


If you abuse the gearbox it will let go eventually.
Standard clutches are rubbish unless your running standard power, if you go for more power you will need an uprated clutch.
The rear arches do rust.
Its the same as any 16 year old car, bits to go wrong from time to time.

300bhp is quite easily done. Air filter, boost controller or the likes set at 1 bar, uprated fuel pump (walbro 255lph) and you should see 280-300. Obviously it varies from car to car.

MPG is not good at all. Think i average about 12, but the car hardly ever gets driven sensibly.


Everyone has covered the main issues and really you know any performance car can cost a fair bit more to mantain than your average boring A-B machine.

Its always the same advice, search out a good one then look after it. Don't drive like a fool ie launching it at every junction and you might find it lasts a whole lot longer! Fuel wise you should expect less than 200 miles to £40 of Optimax. It helps if you don't need it for commuting put it that way.


New Member
I came from Renault turbo land aswell to a Pulsar, best move id ever made, from my personal experience id say...

1 - How reliable is a nissan pulsar??
Very reliable, I use mine pretty much everyday, and never skips a beat.

2 - How easy is it to get 300bhp + out of a pulsar??
UP to 300bhp Very easy, im guessin you may come from RTOC world, altho a 240bhp clio will feel quite a bit quicker than a midly tuned Pulsar. (but the Pulsar is such a better car)

3 - How much do they cost to maintain e.g service, fuel consumption??
Not as much as you`d think, again coming from a 240bhp Clio you wont really notice any difference in mpg, I average around 120miles to £20 runing 1.1bar and giving it beans now and again. servicing costs is fine, doesnt seem anymore than when I serviced the 11Turbo.

4 - Are there any "KNOWN" faults with pulsars e.g rust, head gaskets failing ect??
with regards to rust, as been said rear arches are common, mechanics mostly gearbox issue, but again that would depend if you want to launch the car to its death. Personaly ive not come across anything else thats a known fault.

5 - How much is a good pulsar with good mods ect going to cost??
about 4k, hunt around tho, bargins are out there.

6 - Is there any down falls with this little car producing so much bhp e.g clutch wear, broken gearboxes ect??
depends on how much, mainly clutches and gearboxes, but uprated clutches like the helix will last and last, gearboxes its hit and miss and also how you drive. Also fueling and cooling is obviously important. Brakes is another interesting one, I had cheap pads on mine with standard brakes, car stopped on a dime, never really had fading issues and couldnt understand what the issue was with standard brakes, replaced them with an expensive set of pads for the MOT and they are now crap. Fading is often noticed, really dont get it :der:. Heat soak with the TMIC can be an issue in hot weather if your stop starting alot, and also running lots of boost. Too be honest tho, you`ll probably be buying a pulsar with everything done anyway.

7 - How easy is it to get parts for them??
Easy peasy :D

To sum it up... absolutely brilliant car, Rapid, reliable, handling is fantastic and I think they get put down too much, they are known to be the ultimate launch weapons hence the chocolate gearbox talk. Its the same with any car tho, treat em like crap something will break, but the Pulsar CAN take a fair bit of abuse. I love mine, drives fantastic, feels solid and safe. The only downfall is they are becoming so cheap to buy, so will obviously get more and more abuse from scum.

clio gtt

:p Cheers guys Sam your right rtoc world i am, venturing onto the RICE side lol.

4K is not tobad at all to be honest, with regards to the clio feeling quicker than a 300bhp - 310bhp pulsar this puts me off slightley as i am after a rapid car (although clio is not slow).

I suppose the pulsar also suffers some serious turbo lag with such big turbos:roll:


Dont let that put you off. Your Clio may 'feel' quicker, but i guarantee the pulsar will actually be quicker (300bhp+)

They are not really laggy from my experience, the t28 is not THAT big really for the 2.0 engine spooling it.



New Member
Oh no, definately dont let that put you off, you`d think it`ll be laggy due to the .86 exhaust housing but it isnt at all, im on full boost by 3100rpm and its great. When I first got the car I was dissapointed with the performance coming from Tin can turbo land, as it was running standard boost (or so I thought). Only recently I found out after using an aftermarket gauge id been running about 6 or 7psi so its no wonder I didnt feel hardly any kick. Im running 16psi now and its lovely. Kicks and pulls very very hard and doesnt seem to run out of puff. Alot here I think run about 1.3 - 1.5 bar so i should imagine thats seriously quick.


Well with my spec, (walbro fuel pump, KnN filter, dawes device set at 16PSI, cheap exhaust manifold, lightened flywheel etc, etc, i get 330bhp and 300 lb ft at 16PSI (just over 1 bar.). Will do 0-60 in about 4.5 seconds. Its on full boost by 3500RPM and holds it up untill 7000RPM.