new alloy tanks



hello all, these are my new alloy tanks that ive been making in my spare time at work, what do you think.

i have a oil catch tank aswell but thats already on the car.



Active Member
they look exellent 8) are the lids vented? for the coolant and pas tanks they will need to be to allow for expansion with heat etc
Would be nice to see some swaged ends on the end pipes aswell if possible.
I'd certainly be interested in a pair if you were going to be making them forsale :wink:


cheers, 8)

yeah the tops will be vented and the water header tank has an overflow pipe on the rear ( cant be seen on the pic ).

i might be making some more up if there is enough people interested
also i will be making some other alloy parts like a brake master stopper.

ginga i think you are sending down one to kieron for me to have a look at.


funny you should say that, i was thinking about designing one.

i will keep everone posted if i make one 8)


New Member
00sid said:
cheers, 8)
i think you are sending down one to kieron for me to have a look at.
he's sending it to alan, who's ringing me when he gets it, i'm ringing you after he's ringing me, then we're popping down to you :lol:

could probably be made alot simpler :lol:


kieron said:
00sid said:
cheers, 8)
i think you are sending down one to kieron for me to have a look at.
he's sending it to alan, who's riming me when he gets it, i'm ringing you after he's riming me, then we're popping down to you :lol:

could probably be made alot simpler :lol:
that a whole lot of riming :lol:

Jon Olds

Well-Known Member
Fuel surge

Im in the market, and have knocked up a sketch. Still waitin for a price
back from a rally supplier. Would rather spend money on the OC. Interested?


yeah, could be i remember this from the other post about surge tanks.

i was thinking along the lines of a tank with a internal pump, so it makes it nice and easy to install in the boot or engine bay.

i will try and get on this soon as i have alot going on at the mo. 8)


Definatley interested in a set of them tanks 8) (and a surge tank)