Need Help from Experienced member.



Would any of you technically experienced guys be willing to chat with me on MSN for a short while to give me advise about fixing the head on my R. Basically it got damaged by over-reving and im in the process of fixing.
I have a few questions about, rockers, shims, valves, chain tensioner etc, but takes ages to keep posting up Q's and wait for A's on forum, so would appreciate a quick msn chat. Im a mechanic for a living, so ill not be asking complete rubbish, its just im not used to Jap engines, Chain driven engines or engines with shimed valves so I just need a bit of guidance.
If anyone is up for it, pm me your msn addy and ill add you. Cheers


New Member
Just take the head off and take to a place which does heads all day save pissing around with then pain in the bottom shim's i am also a mechanic but i didn't have the right micrometer to measure the shim guides and could find one for under £200. Got my head all ported reshimmed and ready to go back on in a week for £120


New Member
Best way fella shame i didn't have the dosh to chuch some big cam's in at the same time oh well these always the next rebuild lol :wink:


Well the same guy that blew it up has just snapped an exhaust cam so free hks's for me. :lol: