NeeD HelP: EGT high temp.



Hi everybody

I've got a problem that I can't explain and I really need for your experiments.

My temperature EGT goes uo too high for some time, :?
I already seen 3 times at more than 1100 °C, :(
I am in configuration with boost of 1.0b however, whereas I can go up much higher. (but it seem that it doesn't depend of turbo boos pressure)

I specify that nothing else heats in the car neither the liquid of cooling, or the oil.

I does not include/understand what that can be.

I frequently takes 1000 °C and a little more than I roll extremely or than I roll quiet. Times in rise the turbo load a little, and if this load lasts a little (10/15 dryness) that can raise the temperature like if I to roll in the turns.

My EGT sensor is take at the most high point in the turbo at exhaust.

Please could you try to help me by your idea or experiments ....


thank you for the link

I can't understand EVERYTHINg because my english is not so good.

but please say me if the following idea a re fals or true

1) the best EGT (for power) seems to be around 1350 °c ??

2) but it depends of each motor ant tune ? some ar good at 1200 some other at 1500 ?

3) are they talking about farahneit dergee ?

4) is my EGT in celsius degree?

5) or all the EGT are in farahneit celsius ??


I think they mean Farenheit.

1350 F = 732 Celcius

Which EGT have you got? I would imagine most are in degrees celcius...


in order to move the site of the screen of temperature, I had lengthened the cable.
But one needs a special cable and concealment had changed the resistence of the wire, and thus that to increase the value read with the screen. :?
when I read 1000°c makes some I were with 950°C :shock:

So no real problem.

bu tI go this afternoon to to make verification and modification on my fuel pump, becaus I have put off the restrictor of 32 mm for the turbo intake pie to a big 49 mm ( 47 mm in stock)