nearly there


New Member
:-D :-D hi guys and gals........well after nearly 8 months of part time grafting after work and weekends and juggling a wife and two kids.....and training( to fight the flab,wink, wink) my car is finaly nearing the stage were she is going for a coat of new taxi black......GOD ITS BEEN A LONG TIME COMING.....:lol: (i wish the misses said the same....).:doh: but after buying an old dog and beating away all the rust and replacing everything that needed to be replaced i can finaly see the light at the end of the tunnel.....and the enthusiasm is starting to return and i cant wait to put all the shinny stuff that ive acumilated over the last 8 months on.........SSSOOOOO hopefully i will be able to finaly meet some of you guys at the track days and event as the old girl is just gunna be my part time rag machine to use and abuse......will post some pictures hopefully tomorow to show you what she looks like now and then some after she is naerly complete:) .....hopefully you lot wont rip the **** as this is my first real strip down and rebuild....body wise(engine is to come next after ive taken it to its limits and blown it up) and to be honest with you im now chuffed ive come this far and done what ive done its given me a great sense of acheivement to know ive done it all myself and i know the gtir just that little bit better for stripping it to bits and basicly destrying it and then putting it back together.......this car modding lark is madness.....but then some how if i didnt have my little gtir to play with now my life would seem that bit more boring......I KNOW, I KNOW, IM SAD but heh it keps me out the pub and of off the streets so it cant be a bad thing...any way hope to be seeing you at some meets very soon?


8 months isnt long matt lol hope all the mechanical side goes ok for you, so you get a bit of trouble free motoring with it.

its a labour of love in many ways, no sane person would be out there boogering round with a 15 year old pile of metal, getting covered in crap, when they could be down the pub or taking there families out etc, so i guess a majority of us on here have either lost the plot or are just sad individuals with nothing better to do:lol:
with me i just put it down to a midlife crisis, thats my excuse anyway!

get some photos of the car up, will be good to see what you have done so far!