Nasty Vibration


Hey guys my car has developed a nasty vibration about 4k rpm, when accelerating and also when i let it climb down the revs , its not a engine vibration as in big ends it more of a solid vibration thru the whole car, does anyone have any ideas what it could be or has anyone experienced this b4 ?

Regards Marc


If you slowly rev it up and down through 4k when stationary do you still feel it?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Have a look that nothing is loose like heat shields, exhaust anywhere or top mount cover.

If you can stand over the engine bay while revving it and see if you can localise the vibration. Alternator bearing for example.

Brett G

I'm not 100% but I would have guess at a worn or damaged engine mount???
Must only have a noticable effect at a certain resonance (4000 RPM) :? :?:

Brett G

Do you notice anything else like clonking when accelerating or letting off?
Does the gear lever move alot when accelerating or deccelerating?
Just some ideas



Nope its not doing anything else atall , and its a pretty solid vibration through the whole car :( not like a rattling of a heat shield, And only at 4k rpm. Really starting to annoy me aswell now. If im looking at engine mount , how much are we talking to get it repaired ?!

heaven is a gtir (bry)

Ive just replaced 3 engine mounts. :cry:

Top engine drivers side £48 inc vat from nissan. 1 week order to delivery. :D

Front gear box mount £57 inc vat from nissan. 3 to 4 weeks order to delivery. :cry:

Rear gear box mount £77 inc vat from nissan. 3 to 4 weeks order to delivery. :cry:

The front gear box mount you can get powerflex bushes but only for this one. £31 inc vat. Demon tweeks.

The positive with the nissan ones are they come in the mounting brackets compleate so you just unbolt then rebolt. :D Powerflex you have to burn the old ones out then use the old brackets. :evil:

Good luck.

Bry :D


The powerflex mount dont fit mate, i have/had one and i had to chop it to make it fit, now got nismo mounts with some hellish vibration :twisted:


Ok just back from the garage and we had a look underneath it , now the side engine mounts look ok but the bottom engine (g'box?) mount looks very very loose, now could it be this thats causing the vibration? Or could it be something else? And also what is the part number of this exact part please so I can order a new one :D thanks loads !!

heaven is a gtir (bry)

I have just replaced all of my enigine mounts on my car but i didnt keep the part numbers for them. :oops:

I can try to have a look on the old mounts tomorrow but carnt promiss anything. :roll: The original engine mounts have a differnet part code to the ones that came :roll: but i think they just cross referance them possibly.

I just phoned nissan and they were very helpful. :D

Bry :D

heaven is a gtir (bry)

Just had a look at the old mount and the part code on the actual mount is

11221 60C00 This code is on the rubber of the mount.

This is the one at the front lower gear box. Just behind the front bumper.

The cost was £57.13

Bry :D


Yeah went to Nissan and got the part ordered, Nissan are cunny funts they only charged me £32.19.. figure that out

heaven is a gtir (bry)

They must just come up with a figure and charge what the hell they want for them. Bastards! :evil:

Wouldnt mind but i have spent near a grand there over the last couple of months. :cry:

bry :D


For anyone that wants to know the problem is fixed!!! I put a Mongoose on and now the whole car rattles so I dont notice it anymore hahah, na seriously the rattle has totally gone now , it must have been something to do with the exhaust system, thank you all to who replied you can all sleep better now :)

Regards Marc