name the engine part


New Member
found some bits in the sump and wanted to know where they may have come from.. taken 3 photos. front, back and upside dow.

anyone think they know where these bits might have come from?


hard to say what these bits are but i would hazard a guess at the inner oil pump cover as it goes round the crank, or possibly a broken turbo thust bearing.

shine a torch up towards the front crank oil seal (inside sump with the pickup pipe removed and see if theres anything snapped off that

lol quick off the draw there marky
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New Member
the last owner did say it had, had a new turbo. now i know what happened to the old one.

the bits were stuck in the oil strainer and didn't come out without a tap or 3. and no metal came out in a recent oil change. i'll be taking the sump off every oil change from now on i think.