N14 Sunny 1.6 Parts that fit??


Can anyone point me in the right direction of a list or even enlighten me to what parts off a Sunny 1.6 N14 will be useable on a GtiR?

Im more interested in running gear/ suspension etc. Arms? Struts? top mounts? Hubs? Rad?

Have a Sunny Im salvaging for parts at the moment was mainly for spare pannels, mint dash and interior trims etc, but then go thinking to what else could be the same. Was going to use the hubs (if the same) as a bigger brake conversion template to save dismantling me car.


vss irvine

Well-Known Member
Hubs are different as the rack is in a different place on the fwd cars.

they have shorter track arms on the hubs.

wishbones are the same but the rear bushe is different.

rad has smaller inlet outlet on the ga engines
struts are of smaller diameter and on rear the droplink mount is in a slightly different position.

Rear struts are longer on fwd too.

you could use the hubs as templates though as the braking side is same mounting points.

1.6 cv's are same as gtir.

Dash trim is slightly different in that it doesnt have coin holder opening.
and stereo surround isnt the same as jdm one as no cup holder fitted.

(Yeah ive had a few)!