My skyline GTR


Active Member
As some of you may know i bought a GTR in November and sold my Pulsar in january.
There have been some problems with the registration of the vehicle..
Anyway to cut a long story short my vehicle was inspected today buy the police and DVLA and they have found it was stolen in Japan and they took it off me there and then i couldnt even get home. Had to wait 3 hours for my dad to come get me :x
So i have no car and a big loan..


Active Member
:shock: :shock: sorry to hear that dude..i cant belive they left you at the side of the road like that? it all sounds a bit dodgy to me? im sure they should of gave you a lift to the station or a lift home.thats completey outragous :evil: :evil: :evil:


Still waiting on some shims!
WTF!... :shock:

So where do you stand regarding the money you spent on it..?

What about the person you bought it from..?



New Member
Thats bad matey :(

I had heard from Donny (Martyn) about this and was hoping both cars would be ok.

Can you get your money back for it?


Active Member
Did you get an importer to buy the car for you ? If you did, get on to them ASAP.

That is a really shitty situation to be in mate. I hope you get it sorted !


Active Member
I bought it from an importer. I will speak to him tonight and try and arrange something.
Thing that bugs me is dvla and the police were treating me like the criminal. It was me that flagged and investigated the problem.

I just wish i never sold my GTiR :cry:

I hope i get money back i wont give up trying £13000 isa a lot to loose plus £2000 i spent in 4 months ownership. I wasnt allowed to take the filters etc off either.


:shock: :shock: s**t dude that sounds like a nite mare hope u get it sorted out soon :shock: :shock: :)


Still waiting on some shims!
The importer must be insured for this sort of thing... Surely he'll be able to get you your money back...

Either that or small claims court for 'Sale of item thats not fit for sale'...



RishiGTiR said:
The importer must be insured for this sort of thing... Surely he'll be able to get you your money back...

Either that or small claims court for 'Sale of item thats not fit for sale'...

13 grand is not small claims I'm affraid... you'll looking at a fast track action for anything above 5k, less than 15k. Risk of big court costs if you're not successful. Although I suppose a stern letter with the threat can't harm if it gets that far.

Sorry to hear about that mate - I hope you get it sorted.

*Edited to say - if you still had the reciepts for the 2k worth of mods, if you added that to a claim you'd be in Multi-track territory... and will cost you £400 just to submit a County Court Claim Form*

With regards to the police - they are a complete waste of space :evil: :evil:



:shock: :shock: No way :shock: :evil:

I would be well P!SSED OFF, good luck mate :!:


New Member
That is disgusting how you have been treated. A letter to the police / dvla complaints department aswell if I was you. Make sure you don't give up getting your money back. Its a hell of a lot to lose.


New Member
:shock: sorry to hear this mate i hope you get it sorted asap.

and yes going through the courts does it expensive just hope it gets sorted without the need of the courts


New Member
bloody hell mate, you only hear of things like this on whatchdog, really hope it gets sorted mate.

is the importer a reputable one?


Active Member
:shock: This is madness.

The importer you got the car from should give you your dosh back straight away. end off

You surley have proof of purchase/reciept, as does the importer, there is proof the money went out of your bank and into the importers so even if you did have to pay legal costs the case would be cut and dry in your favour , no doubt about it.

The importer is insured for this kind of thing happening, them having to give you your money back will not have to come out of there own pockets, but out the insurers.

I wouldnt worry to much mate , you will get your money back but will just have to wait a while for it :roll: :wink:


New Member
wow thats crap news, really sorry to hear about that mate.

any of you guys know how to check your own vehicle if its been stolen abroad etc?, as its something ive never checked! eek.
i know you can do the general hpi check but does that not tell u things like if money is still owed and its reported stolen within the UK?



New Member
Holy sheeiit Chris :shock: As people have already said the blame lies at the importers doorstep.I think you,ll get your money back eventually.
As for the police leaving you like that :roll:


holy sh!t.

i was opening this post expecting pics of the beast with loadsa mods done to it. feel for ya mate. best of luck :wink: