My car does not switch off


New Member

:? I have a slight little problem with my G.T.I.R. The thing is I had a New steering rack put in since that day when I'm driving the car just loses power and does not want to go over 2,000rpm even if I have my foot all the way down on the accelerator. But today I went out and it started doing it regularley and then it would not switch off the thing is when the car loses power I turn the car off and it resets and then is o,k for a while and then it does it again has anyone else had the same problem or can you point me in the right direction.:cry:




I'm thinking you've knackered the wiring somewhere behind the dash, so the ECU's running in 'safe' mode. Going to need to pull the dash apart to check the wiring, judging by that description.


New Member
If its only happened since the rack was fitted i would look around the engine bay (close to the rack) and underneath (close to the rack) for any obvious signs of damage or wires trapped or crimped, may just be a wire trapped and its shorting tripping the ecu into safe mode.

Bit of investigation needed around the area in question i think, must ive never heard of anything like so most likely going to be associated with the new rack etc.



check all the wires comein out of the block head on the passager side


Fault code check ;) And make sure the ECCS relay next to the ECU in the passenger footwell is plugged in, thats what makes the car keep running when you switch off.


New Member
hi mate does this happen when car is moving or when its idling as i no that alot of pulsar hav a safe mode on ecu when the car is idling for a certain amount time it goes into safe mode then car wont go over 2000rpm but when u switch it of it & restart its seems ok again ,if so its the ecu i had 1 on my old gtirs


New Member

The car goes in to safe mode whilst i'm driving it just won't go over 2,000rpm but it does not do it all the time it will do it after 5 to 10mins when I switch it on. Do you think my e.c.u has gone. How do I do a fault check as my engine light does not come on when it happens. I have opend the dash and found everything is in tact. The wires are all connected in the engine bay too.

Fast Guy

Staff member
forge400 said:

The car goes in to safe mode whilst i'm driving it just won't go over 2,000rpm but it does not do it all the time it will do it after 5 to 10mins when I switch it on. Do you think my e.c.u has gone. How do I do a fault check as my engine light does not come on when it happens. I have opend the dash and found everything is in tact. The wires are all connected in the engine bay too.

See what fault it chucks out when you can't go over 2000rpm then you'll know where to start looking.


New Member

I done a fault check today and it came up as code 55. The thing is I ripped off my braided line and the car is running fine now wierd and the cat light has disappeared. Thanks to all your replies it helped me a lot to sort out my car much appreciated.

