moving to Japan in april 8-)



Ive landed a lucky job, and im moving to japan in April, I just thought id let you all know that I will be selling parts to you guys at trade prices,

an idea of this is one of you contacted me before xmas needing a Head gasket, I'm not sure what he had been quoted by a UK tuner but he said I was the cheapest by far, £155 for a HKS 2.0mm + postage, import and VAT, again don't know if this helps you guys out at all, just thought id save you some pennies if I can.

Also I have created an online chat room for Jap car lovers, (yes its free and you don't have to sigh up) just go to and its on the bottom of the home page under "chat"

you can email me about parts and stuff, of log on to the WEBsite and post under the parts section and I get you a trade price quote.




New Member
8) Cool mate, im sure a lot of us will be keeping in cotanct for bits.

All the best for the new job.



Congrats on the move mate :D , just in time for golden week too. What is it you are gonna be workin as over there? Been considering a visit to that side of the world myself, and if staying for a while might be interested in finding some work.


Thats fine mate if you want to come over, as I have a good oppotunity for someone else to join after Ive started.

I will have to do a COOL test on you first tho :wink: can't be having any twats around :)

my email is if you want to email me when im their, and my xbox 360 gamer tag is :SUPRA 1000hp of any of you want a game.