More problems


New Member
Well the replacement radiator has now been fitted and its back up and running. Seems to come upto temperature fine before the fans kick in, oil pressure ok, etc.

However it seems to idle a bit strangely (didn't do this beforehand afaik), and almost sounds as if its missing occasionally, slight stutters.

The lambda was originally unplugged, I plugged this back in but no change so I've left it unplugged.

Replaced the oil and oil filter today (took forever as the previous person must have been hulk, oil filter tightness was ridiculous).

I'll change the spark plugs next week but they didn't seem overly dirty, just a little black.

I've done another fault code check, it used to show 34 (det sensor) but has remained clear (55) the last few times I've checked it, after taking the car out for a short run.

Spark plugs may solve the problem I guess but its strange when it was fine before. Once it was hot (after changing the rad yesterday and taking it for a run) it seemed to idle much better.

I'm starting to get a little frustrated now :der::shock: