More power- 400bhp for arguments sake


Active Member
Ok, so with the new year is an interest in taking my car further.

I'm at 317bhp at the min, but have for nothing amazing. The engine is standard apart from an hks headgasket.

Controllor wise I've got a greddy profec b spec 2 and apexi safc II, then the usual mongoose, filter etc.

I know I'd need a new turbo, but what else- will the standard maf support 400bhp or would I need the z32? What about the standard turbo elbow- advisable to chane or a necessity?

Any thoughts appreciated :eek:)




You would defo need a z32 for anything over 350bhp, then bigger turbo, bigger injectors (atleast 650's for 400) would definently recommend a 3" elbow and downpipe and then i would do away with the safc and get a standard ecu remap with a daughterboard.

That should do the job really :lol:


Active Member
Sound advice above - a 3" elbow and downpipe would be ideal but you can reach 400 without. As for a turbo a 3071r would be your best bet mate. My car managed 395/411 with 550cc injectors but it was an excellent map so as suggested 650cc's would be a good idea.

Good luck with it!


Staff member
Paz, get a 3" front pipe as a matter of course. Proven to make a significant improvement on any car.

For 400hp as advised by others and :search: ;-);-):lol:

Also consider a 2860rs. Dan is just fitting one with Stu (fellow NW owners you may not have met yet) Target 350hp but it will be a very fast road car with low lag. 3071 is a good choice too but I wouldn't recommend anything bigger. I'm interested to see how Dan's car goes compared to Stu's and mine (3071 mongs)


Active Member
I was looking at the 2871 actually, on paper it states 400bhp but not being a turbo geek I don't know how realistic that is. I think I know the majority of the basics re; what I would need but its always better to hear things first hand isn't it! ;)


New Member
I was looking at the 2871 actually, on paper it states 400bhp but not being a turbo geek I don't know how realistic that is. I think I know the majority of the basics re; what I would need but its always better to hear things first hand isn't it! ;)
My 2871r made 388bhp and thats without a 3inch manifold, so 400bhp is do-able.


Staff member
Paz, I probably wasn't clear, one of the reasons why I suggested the 2860rs is I bet you can have a quick car with minimal mods. At >400hp you will need a forged engine, maybe gearbox big clutch etc etc. At 350 with what you have you could get away with Z32 MAF, injectors and a quick re-map of your AFC.


New Member
at what bar/psi do you get 317bhp? i have exactly that at 1bar with the same spec as you with a fusion ed remap on standard ecu. also nimbhk on here got 340bhp ish at 1.1 or 1.2bar with eds ecu map. could of got more from mine but left it very safe and hoping not to replace the clutch too soon! just bigger injectors needed and a z32 and you could achieve 350bhp on your spec or very near that if you wanted to save money and not have to replace lots of bits for the 400bhp mark


Active Member
I hit circa 1.3 bar on my controller, updated t28 turbo so it spools nice and quickly. Not sure how much puff is left in it to be honest.

Is 350bhp worth looking at? Not sure I be arsed messing about for an extra 30bhp?

Is a forged engine really necessary for 400bhp? The yanks don't seem to think so, and I know fatty (rob) got away with it for a few years didn't he? Or would I have to accept that eventually it would let go without a forged build? I guess the clutch is the thing I didn't really think about, I have an ap now- but that would die pretty quickly I imagine.


Fusion Ed

Active Member
I have had 410BHP out of a 2871 a few years ago, but I prefer the 3071 for 400+

I would use 700cc inj not 650, there is never a good reason to use anything else than 700 on the gtir, as they will do pretty much all you would want.

However stock clutch will not take that torque at all, and also pistons may be on borrowed time, gearbox is unpredictable id would say 60-70% survive 400+ for some time, 450+ most die pretty quickly. Thats a game of luck however.
