More advice please boost controllers and engine management!



Yep, I'm going for the "most annoying person asking questions in one day" award :oops:

I've been offered the Blitz Dual SBC type R from my friend's Evo VI which I've been told will handle up to 2.5 bar boost. Does anyone have this, or think it's suitable?

He also suggested that perhaps I'd want to run some proper engine management. I’m not too sure how mine is set up at the moment - standard I assume, but would it be worth me spending £800 or so on an Apexi Power FC to be fitted and mapped?


Sorry to bother everyone again! :(


The Blitz boost controller is as good as any other japanese one, And if he gives it to you at a good price then go for it, Power Fc if you can get one is perfect for your needs, I have 3 grands worth of Motec ECU but you have no need to go to that kind of expense.

Don't forget good management is at the hart of everything your car does, So in my opinion is one of the first mods you should do, And its what kept my car together for so long, That and good cooling.



Right, his boost controller, and Power FC management I think it is then! :D

Thank you!


New Member
Just been reading your other thread and if you only want to run around the 350hp mark then I would not bother with the PFC as a) they have stopped making it and b) not many people down your neck of the woods who are good at mapping it for the right money.

Considering where you live I would look into a Greedy Emanage and talk to Micr Ed about getting it fitted and mapped. He’s done quite a few on here and from what I’ve seen all the owners are very pleased with his work.

The Blitz Dual SBC Type R is very good value for money if your buying it second hand.


Mr GTiR said:
Considering where you live I would look into a Greedy Emanage and talk to Micr Ed about getting it fitted and mapped. He’s done quite a few on here and from what I’ve seen all the owners are very pleased with his work.

Yes the Emanage is another very good option for you and seeing as you're near enough to Edd it would be rude not to :thumbsup: .

I was thinking of the Power FC more in the future proof sense, Because no doubt you will want to go further once you start down the modding road :lol: :lol: :lol: .



New Member
*Red* said:
Right, his boost controller, and Power FC management I think it is then! :D
I did not realise that she could get a PFC 2nd hand. Well if you can get one for the right money then go for it as IMO it's a better ecu than the GReedy.

Just becareful as PFC are no longer available anymore and 2nd hand units hold their value for a 2nd hand item.

A brand new GReedy will cost half the price of a PFC.


Still waiting on some shims!
Yes management is a good idea but running around on 1bar - 1.2bar on a standard turbo you will probably find that the std ECU fuels the car just fine.

Mine did!

Just work your way up the boost and keep an eye on the AFR and you should see that its fine. I don't suggest that you do it but if you are going to see Olly then get him to sort it for you. ;-)



New Member
tried to call you yesterday!

blitz is a good unit, its a dual unit too so will handle boost fine

tbh though on that pulsar a HKS EVC3 or 4 is fine for around half the money and go for an emanage again with including mapping etc would cost you more than half of what a power fc would do