mongoose noise


New Member
does anyone know exactly how noisey the mongoose system is?

whats it like when idleing? thinking about geting one but work dodgy hours so dont want to piss neighbours off too much when letting it warm up at 5 in morning!!!!!!!!!!

cheers if anyone can help


New Member
dont worry about the neighbours mate.

i start work at 4:00am and my goose wakes up the whole street when i pull the car out of the garage and as i leave it to idle for like 15mins before i drive to work


Loud, you can hear it idle quite a long way away, but it's only a low rumble so as long as their windows are closed they wont notice

Once you actually press the go faster pedal is another matter however :lol:


theres no point letting it warm up stationary, best to drive it straight away under 2500rpm until the oil temp comes up- otherwise the engine maybe warm but the drivetrain is still cold and 6000rpm on a cold box isnt the best thing!

its not good for the engine either to idle when cold too long, so ive heard.

also best to cool it down on the move - no boost for the last couple of miles - the only knock i get is when the car is idling when hot about 3 on the safc.


New Member
cheers for that andy never knew it! will have to do it from now on
will be hard not to go over 2500rpm though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

f**k the neighbours hey