Modified Sparrow cutter idea


Staff member
Been thinking of changing my bonnet to standard to stop the high speed drag/bonnet lift and water getting into the electrics when washing.

There doesn't seem to be a black satandard one around so have decided to mod the sparrow cutter (bonnet grill) with some fibre glass. My idea is to cover the slats with FG and follow the line of the grill so from the front the air sees a ramp but from the top it still lets all the hot air out.

It'll be a bit different and will only cost me £10 for the FG and paint so will work out cheaper than a new bonnet as I would need a new plate too!

I'm posting as I wouldn't mind a couple of tips on how best to key it into the slats so I don't get Fibre chunks hitting my windscreen at 80mph!!

Also, do people think I should go the level of the lower bevel or the top of the grill?

The top of the grill will look and be smoother but might lose some of the Gtir essence. If its sunk, will the air flow from the front might dip in the gaps and crate more turbulence?

If its all smooth then I'll gloss the lot again but if its lower I was thinking of a matt like it is already.

I'm thinking the sunk one will look better but the flush one would be easier for me with my average FG skills to make look right.
Any ideas apart from :wuss::pound::puke:appreciated ;-)



Staff member
You want one of those SE Nissan under bonnet air scoops like I've got mate, they redirect the cold air to the inlet and keep all the water off your engine ;-)


Staff member
I know a few people that want one, thats why when I have the time, I plan on taking a copy of it so I can start suppling them.


stevepudney said:
I know a few people that want one, thats why when I have the time, I plan on taking a copy of it so I can start suppling them.

But don't hold your breath fella's :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: he's a bit busy with nappies at the moment :doh: .



Active Member
Depends, if you want functional I'd say smooothing the sparrow slicer all together to just leave you with a kind of power bulge would be the best bet, less wind resistance etc. Smoothing at the lower slat level would still keep some of the nostril look but would probably trap more air which wouldn't actually be going anywhere.

BUT don't do it, the nose is so purdy :lol: ;)



Staff member
A GtiR reminds me of a pig with a snout tuck on its head :shock: :oops:

Thanks for the "on topic" opinon though Paz :lol: :lol:


Active Member
:lol: It might not be much use from an actual scientific basis, but its a definate common sense opinion ;)



Best bet would be to make a 'plug' - something which slots neatly into and around the slats. When installed its nice and flush and creates the power bulge only look. When removed you got your old look back. Also means you won't ruin your bonnet with fg.

Or you replace the whole slats insert with a new blanked plug.

Fg is a nightmare to get to stick well to plastics.

If you give it a go gimme a shout and I can give you some tips.


Staff member
If I get sick of my PFC I might have a go at this tonight.

Cruise, I don't thik I exaplined myself, was looking at 3 or 4 "ramps" rather than a plug so there are still holes in the middle for hot air to rise through.

I thought it would be a nightmare to stick to plastics and you confirming it means I need a strategy. Was just thinking I could mould the "ramps" on top of the slits and then once its dried put a couple of small wood screws through each one to fix it. I might still get cracking at the edges and guess I am going to need a lot of sand paper.

My general strategy is to buils up in layers to get the basic shape and to slightly overfill the last layer before sanding down. Just realsied, when I say FG, I mean the kind of filler you stuff rather than the sheet stuff you might use for a bumper or something. Sorry if I've used the wrong terminology.

So this Filler (Epoxy, FG? not sure now) says it takes 20 mins to harden so I was going to build up each new layer after that rather than waiting for full hardness.

Probably not explained myself any better but will keep you informed of my progress and can take a few photos for clarity.



Staff member
I made a start, it is fibre glass, it stinks and is blloming awful to work with. I can feel some sanding coming on