Modified Cars to Become Illegal?


New Member
The following is an extract from this weeks Auto Express Magazine.

BOY racers have had their day - in Ireland at least! A new move by the government there means that from next month, modified cars will be refused roadworthyness certificates - making it illegal for them to be driven on public roads.

Transport minister Ivor Callely said: "We're putting provisions in place to eliminate tinted glass, double exhausts and so on." The move is part of a wider crackdown on road safety.

After reading this I was quite shocked, a similar move in Britain would see most of our cars forced off the road until they were back carrying standard parts!

Will be funny if this gets passed in the UK.



Active Member
This has been going on for ages, can't see it happening to be honest - modified or not, if the car is roadworthy, its roadworthy.



New Member
oh well guess that means an end to the BMW M3 then cos thats cos multiple exhausts and tinted windows :!: :!: :lol:
come to think of it nearly all new cars now come with tints fitted so thats going to be interesting :wink:

H980 Pulsarkid

New Member
What a complete load of cr.ap can't the government concentrate on something a little more important than modified cars. Admittedly there are some real smash and grabs plastic motors out there but surely there are more important things to be resolved in this country first.....!!

Hits a nerve with alot of people as to what the government see fit to spend our money on.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Yeah, there's alot of cars with tinted windows and multiple exhausts as standard.

A similar thing has been doing the rounds for years in this country, claiming the DVLA is behind it.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
wonder how many company' s would be put out of business by a move like that??

considering it must be a multi million pound industry at least. all the magazines, events and other associated stuff. cant see it being legally viable to be honest :?


Mind you if it puts cars like that orange maxpower pulsar to death i'm all for :wink: :lol: 8) .

I'm quite happy with just the one exhaust myself :wink: , Oh and I can also live with out the plastic fantastic body kits and under car neons :wink: .

Now if they could just get around to a total ban on big ice installs i'll die a happy man 8) :D .



Well-Known Member
vpulsar said:
Mind you if it puts cars like that orange maxpower pulsar to death i'm all for :wink: :lol: 8) .

I'm quite happy with just the one exhaust myself :wink: , Oh and I can also live with out the plastic fantastic body kits and under car neons :wink: .

Now if they could just get around to a total ban on big ice installs i'll die a happy man 8) :D .

Sounds good to me too 8)

As long as they leave alloys/brakes/engine mods alone im all for it, just think how many of the chavved up novas/saxos etc etc it would get rid of. That can only be a good thing :wink:

As long as cars fitted with flamer kits are on the ban list too :lol:


The UK Gov't have talked about this for years.

They want an australian style rego where any non standard bits on the car have to pass an engineers report before you can put it on the road.

They also talked of only allowing main dealers to sell parts and repair cars, putting an end to the independent garage and to events like auto jumbles.


Active Member
vpulsar said:
Mind you if it puts cars like that orange maxpower pulsar to death i'm all for :wink: :lol: 8) .

I'm quite happy with just the one exhaust myself :wink: , Oh and I can also live with out the plastic fantastic body kits and under car neons :wink: .

Now if they could just get around to a total ban on big ice installs i'll die a happy man 8) :D .

Oi V , 123gtir has just pm'd me , he says he wants to meet up with you for a drag race and a fight :lol: you up for it?


That would be a yes on both counts :wink: :lol: , With all that extra weight his shed carrieing around he has no chance in a drag :lol: :lol: .

And once I'v whooped his ar5e over the 1/4 I'll jump out and spank his bum :shock: :lol: :lol: After all thats what you do with naughty 12 year olds isn't it lol :wink: .



Dont be to negative!

Let people do what ever they want, Its your freedom at stake and we have so little left!!!!

A 300+ Pulsar in the hands of an idiot is a lethal weapon.

A 60hp 106 with 200KG of ICE & Body kits is much less lethal... even in the hands of an idiot. To many exhaust pipes have yet to kill anyone I know... but fast cars have.


Active Member
vpulsar said:
That would be a yes on both counts :wink: :lol: , With all that extra weight his shed carrieing around he has no chance in a drag :lol: :lol: .

And once I'v whooped his ar5e over the 1/4 I'll jump out and spank his bum :shock: :lol: :lol: After all thats what you do with naughty 12 year olds isn't it lol :wink: .

You forgot about all the extra weight your shed is carrying too... in the form of the driver :lol: ;)

And as for the orange pulsar, you have no comeback on that anymore after you confided at JAE that you actually like it :lol:



spaz said:
You forgot about all the extra weight your shed is carrying too... in the form of the driver :lol: ;)

Your proberly right mate, But I bet my fat ar5e still doen't weigh as much as all that cr@p bolted to that h*** of s*** :wink:

spaz said:
And as for the orange pulsar, you have no comeback on that anymore after you confided at JAE that you actually like it :lol:

Yes your's is ok really quite tastfull if I squint my eyes :lol: :lol: :lol: , But you haven't got a nova kit and ten exhausts bolted to the back :roll: :wink: .



Active Member
vpulsar said:
spaz said:
You forgot about all the extra weight your shed is carrying too... in the form of the driver :lol: ;)

Your proberly right mate, But I bet my fat ar5e still doen't weigh as much as all that cr@p bolted to that h*** of s*** :wink:

spaz said:
And as for the orange pulsar, you have no comeback on that anymore after you confided at JAE that you actually like it :lol:

Yes your's is ok really quite tastfull if I squint my eyes :lol: :lol: :lol: , But you haven't got a nova kit and ten exhausts bolted to the back :roll: :wink: .

:lol: No, I don't. its just orange... and as we all know that colour quite clearly suits the 'R :lol: ;)

As for the fat arse.... well.... I have no comment :lol: :wink:

a.k.a. Mr February :lol:


New Member
In all honesty after living in Ireland for a while they are always trying to clamp down on boy racers,it seems to be a bit of a problem over the water,which i think has something more to do with the way they licence people.I really cant see this happening in britian.
Also window tints aid with security so i cant see the logic in banning window tints :? ,maybe public custard pieing for poor DIY halfrauds tints where emphasis has been placed on the bubble wrap look ,but banning is just plain silly :)