Melted peices



Ok after probs with my R it turns out to be my plugs, I have never seen plugs so dead, They are compleatly melted. My question is what has happend to the melted bits? are they in my engine somewere and if so are the gonna cause damage to anything? And question 2 is why did they melt? is it to do with the fuel? I always use bp ultima is it crap? I LOVE this car but im thinking my bank manager hates it.


New Member
:wink:Hopefully they have burnt up :wink: If not then as you say they might be floating about in your cylinders :shock: What boost are you running :?: Also what plugs are they :?: As they could be the wrong plugs for the boost your running,also you could be detting :shock: Or could simply be the wrong heat range :wink:


The plugs that was in it were ngk plats, now ive put bosch plats in, But i must add that up untill a week ago one of the hoses had come of the turbo bit, so i think it was running unlimeted boost OOOOOPPPS :lol: . Apart from that its 100% standard.


New Member
:D Looks like you've answered your own question mate :wink: Unlimited boost,makes a very quick 'R' :lol: But destroys it too :shock: Looks like you've been detting badly,so your lucky to have only melted your plugs :wink:


Sounds like some sound advice, I think i might just listen. But please note the hose had sliped off some how so ive got to try and make one of them clip things. ( I thought it was a bit fast lol) Cheers mate.


Active Member
Oh and as no-one else has mentioned - do NOT use BP Ultimate.

Always use Shell Optimax.

BP Ultimate is just ur usual Super Unleaded - well marketed and branded and fookin expensive.

You're actual prob as already identified is running silly boost - causing detonation - prepare urself for what seems like a slow car once you get ur pipes back on.



Active Member
The melted bits of plug have got to go somewhere so are either welded to your piston,embedded into the bores,wedged in the valve seats or found their way through the exhaust manifold and damaged your turbine.If you don't at least do a compression/leak down test you'll find out soon enough :cry: .
My plugs did the same and wrecked 3 valves,slightly damaged the head and the detting killed the the ringlands on 2 pistons.Result-full engine rebuild needed.Oh that was on BP so called Ultimate too-first time I vere used it :evil:


Oh Great sounds like it may lead too more expence :evil: . Ive never had a compression test done so im really hoping its not expencive. So im never gonna use BP again, Thanks for the advice guys its well needed, otherwise i'll have a compleatly f***ed R and i dont want that now do i.


Nah a compression test is pretty cheap really. The guy who does my car does them for free. Count ureself lucky. When someone tried to run my car on unlimited boost, it melted a piston. I'm still waiting to get the rebuild done lol. Not amused


New Member
:wink: Can i ask why everyone i slaggin BP Ultimate :?: What you must understand is that yes it is only SuperUnleaded,but BP have said that it is guaranteed to be 97RON unlike Optimax, sometimes you get 98RON and sometimes 97RON,so as BP Ultimate is only SuperUnleaded i always use an octane booster with no problems :!: And would use Optimax if there were a Shell garage near me :!: And i have used it for 18months like this so....... :!:

Fast Guy

Staff member
I've only ever used 1 tank of BP ultimate and the car was no different to normal on it. The power steering pump did die tho :?


Active Member
I used a tank of Bp ultimate when it first came out and the car pinked like shit where it never used to on optimax never used the stuff again after that but found Total super unleaded (98 ron) to work fine 8)

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
maybe optimax is like easy start ie crack cocain for cars once used is kinda addictive. my R felt kinda poo when i used bp' s fuel so i only buy it in small quantities in emergencies and i dont boot it either